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Iraqi insurgents kill key US ally

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Iraqi insurgents kill key US ally


A key Sunni ally of the US and Iraqi governments has been killed in a bomb attack in the city of Ramadi, Iraqi police and media say.

Abdul Sattar Abu Risha was the leader of an alliance of Sunni Arab tribes that rejected al-Qaeda because of its methods and worked with the US.


He was killed in a bomb attack near his home in Iraq's western Anbar province.


Abu Risha was among a group of tribal leaders who met President George W Bush during his visit to Iraq last week.


"The sheikh's car was totally destroyed by the explosion. Abu Risha was killed and two of his bodyguards were seriously wounded," Ramadi police officer Ahmed Mahmoud al-Alwani told Reuters.


Abu Risha was the leader of the Anbar Salvation Council, also known as the Anbar Awakening, an alliance of clans which sided with US forces and the Iraqi government in order to try to reclaim Anbar province from al-Qaeda.


The US has been trying to organise Sunni groups against al-Qaeda.


Washington has celebrated Abu Risha and his tribal fellows, saying they have inflicted considerable losses and setbacks on the insurgent group.

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No so long ago these people were also insurgents fighting the U.S.But apparently the tribes and sheikhs revolted against Wahabi Alqaeda and drove them out of the provinces. So know the very men whom beheaded and maimed American soldiers are labeled as "freedom fighters" including former Baathists and Saddam sympathisers. In others America went to Iraq to fight these evil Sunni Insurgents and Saddam sympathisers, only to realise that they created a new enemy called Alqaeda in Iraq and that after all the Baathists and the Sunni tribes are actually the good guys in this. Many predict the Sunni Tribes they are arming know will turn their guns on other sects and there will a war between those tribes themselves. And that is just another day in Iraq!

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^^What you have to remember is the Sunni 'alliance' who are pushing the US to instill a sunni player to counter the shiah threat. We shall see how it turns out,,,,

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You will probably see various civil wars between the Sunni Militias and the Shia milita between themselves themselves, which already starting to happen in various places. And some of the sunni tribes have cleverly used the Alqaeda ultra Wahabis and the American powers against each other. They allied themselves with Alqaeda in Iraq to counter the threat of the Shia and American onslaught and know they are using the Americans for their alleged fight against Alqaeda in Iraq.

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Bad news for Mr.Bush, that was the guy hes showingoff to the media, claiming that he got new friends in iraq.


How ****** he was this head-clan chief, too late to befriend USA, after they destoryed everthing. what is the point?

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^^The point is, Sunnis controlling Iraq. They are in the middle of trying to find a way for this to happen hence why alot of parties left parliament recently. There is alot going on and this only increases the friction,,,,

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Gentlemen, America is in it for long haul as they say it, long haul, decades if not centuries. ie japan/europe.


ramadan kareem

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

Gentlemen, America is in it for long haul as they say it, long haul, decades if not centuries. ie japan/europe.


ramadan kareem

Vietnam would beg to disagree. Europeans and Japan were defeated nations who accepted their status as a conquered people. Major distinction.


As long as a people keep the resistance spirit alive, the fate of invading occupiers is inevitable defeat. Took the Vietnameese 15 years to kick the Amerikanos out. Decades ? Centuries ? Think again.

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^^There is a pharse that says: war is healthy for the state, do a little homework and see how that pharse relates to the showdowns in vietnam, and playgrounds of Latino Americas, and why they were no longer needed for direct occupations, but agents would do just fine instead......ka gudub, this time around its ardul sham, again do little homework and find out what these land means to the power brokers. Yes we are talking decades, if not centuries....i know its hard to swallow for small minded thinkers..qab-qabyal peeps to think about, but change as history proves is very gradual, and Allah is with the patient.... peace


ramadan kareem

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'This Isn't the Way We Want to Spend the Rest of Our Lives'

Friday, September 14, 2007; Page A07



Iraqi tribal leader Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, who founded the Anbar Salvation Council, also known as the Anbar Awakening movement, one year ago today, was assassinated in Anbar province yesterday by a roadside bomb. On July 30, he spoke at his residential compound in Ramadi with Washington Post military reporter Ann Scott Tyson. Excerpts of the interview below:


* * *


"The terrorists were destroying the city [of Ramadi]. People lost their identity because of that. Al-Qaeda did a lot of bad things here in the province. . . . We called [the tribes] together and said, 'This isn't the way we want to spend the rest of our lives.' And we decided to fight al-Qaeda. . . .


The government never supported us from the beginning. But my tribe is well-known all over Iraq, and we have a well-known history in the Arab world. When I went to them and told them I have the support of my tribe in my province, they said, 'Okay, we think you're man enough to get this done.' I started fighting al-Qaeda . . . so I was able to prove myself, both to the locals and to the government, and that had a big effect on the prime minister. He helped us to obtain the hiring orders [to hire the tribesmen as police].


The police equipment are few. We don't have enough. And the numbers of police are not enough. Al-Anbar is a third of Iraq. It equals three Iraqi provinces together and four Arab countries put together. This is a desert, with open terrain, rivers, lakes, wadis [rock-studded valleys]. So the numbers we have are not enough to control the whole province. Right now we're fighting the terrorists with the U.S. military, so the U.S. forces pulling out at this time would be a disruption for security. I am happy we'll have a joint defense program with the Americans, an agreement between Iraq and the U.S. long-term. . . .


Provincial elections are very important, because the provincial council we have now doesn't represent everyone, and all serve the Islamic Party. No one in this province likes that party. When we were here and al-Qaeda was slaughtering everyone and putting their knives on our throats, this provincial council never lifted a finger to help anyone in this province. . . . Why didn't they come out then and declare a war on al-Qaeda? They were afraid to defend their own people.


The Awakening started as a tribal project. Now we have a council that deals with tribal affairs. We have a political side -- its job is the elections. We're going to grab the tribe in one hand and hold onto politics in the other hand. We'll run for local elections. But I won't run.


I have a security plan. . . . If al-Qaeda gets away from the Awakening, they won't get away from the American forces. We are allies in the war against terrorism. . . .


We thank everyone [in the United States] who is sending their sons here. I'd like to let them know their sons in Anbar are in the safest place they ever could be."

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once u get rid of all the outside influence and interferences, nations find their way to become peaceful nations.


vietnam, bosnia are some of the nations that are prime examples of this.


invasion of iraq and somali by western colliations is only for the greed of oil and nothing else.


western crsuaders will leave iraq in about a yrs time so dont be surprised if you see iraq become a peaceful nation again.


you need to dig behind the lies that are feed to you daily and understand wats the real problems causing the iraqi and the somalis problems.


its foreign intervention.

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