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Google has launched the UK version of its Street View service

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What a strong computer you have man, mine crashes after i open 4/5 different pages, if I tried the same as your 'Prt Scrn' it would be the end for sure


Did you add extra RAM and all that other lala stuff or did you buy it this strong? and what's the brand,type etc

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my house windows were closed and my neighbour had no curtains that time, lol. my area looks quite posh though. luckily it wasn't at 8.30 am when all the xalimos converge to take their kids to school. ........ war edeb darna. Big brother ya naga qabta.

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^ Nin Yaaban, this is @ work but I have now moved to MAC OS and am loving it.


Najmudin, you are right this is not live but give them few years and you will soon hear numerous sattelight dedicated to beam down live pictures.....that is when I will be moving back to my Tuulo.

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OMG, waraa Dhubad, sxb check my address and you will be shocked by what you see there. you will see me walking towards my house and talking om my mobile phone, luckily they put screen on my face so no one can recognize me. lool


BTW, I love Google Latitude I can always see mes amis and check what they are up to and where they are.

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It is either of two things: One,you live in a posch place and the rich folks have power. Or,you come from a ghetto place and even the cameras will be stolen.


Waa laba mid ah?

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Wacdaraha, I am not far from UB3, its good to know we are neighbours dude. I like this place, if you get bored Southall is within a stone's throw away :D

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People are going to sue them now. Line up all, we'll get a lawyer. I don't know how to use this thing. where do I put the postcode in?


But check this, you cannot sue them for showing your face or car number, but you can sue them if harm comes to you as a result of them showing your details. So who wants to get bitten up icon_razz.gif


Geeljire! shid, redface.gif LOL, Waar I meant niid boodweyen

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