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Google has launched the UK version of its Street View service

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^^^Gosh how many screens do you have opened! Mind you don't crush your computer, icon_razz.gif iyo weliba 21 unread e-mails! LOOOL.


I know that place :eek:


P.s. This is bad idea for a police state, shid house!!

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^^^Gosh how many screens do you have opened! Mind you don't crush your computer, icon_razz.gif iyo weliba 21 unread e-mails! LOOOL.


I know that place :eek:


P.s. This is bad idea for a police state, shid house!!

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^^lool, that is called Mult-tasking. I have a supper fast computer, it can hundle that easily.


Haye Ibtisaam adiga xagee dagantahay maya xagee ka shaqaysaa?


I know its scary, big brother watching for real this time. I have googled my address and I have seen my car parked outside so clear.!

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ub3 :Dwestside.jpg

westside :D


u have some interesting links open on your pc.......... ;)


ps. if women start posting the pics of workplaces......then can't it be ideal for stalkers and stuff?



ibtisam, i am awaiting for some research links from you. ma sad ad daka u gasha? :mad:

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^^^I told you it was too general ya Abu, stop trying to trick me into doing your work! Give me some articles or authories to look for at least. Otherwise you got to wait till I have an afternoon free in the weekend to go through and read through articles to see if they are related to your research or not!!!


Nationalism is not my field either, but I can send you things on the failure and issues that arise from that. My field was economics, so all my articles are related to that, rather than a wishwash idea of nationalism iyo waaxan laa gaaraninin! :D

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de am not asking u 2 read articles....just read the title..and send me the links...somali nationalism clan history=key words...i'll make duca that you marry a wadaad wacan inshallah :D ......


dhubad, how u use this streetview?.....i went to google and only found google you have to download something?....


and i found this which applies to JBs point:


quote:One man is seen picking his nose at a street corner, a couple are caught sunbathing in bikinis and another man is captured entering an adult book store. 1444323.0.0.php

:D:D :

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You go to Googlemap as normal, zoom to where you want and then it should show a small window with a picture, you click on it and that is it.



One man is seen picking his nose at a street corner, a couple are caught sunbathing in bikinis and another man is captured entering an adult book store.

^ :D

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Abu you are to late with the damn duca, Geeljire nasiibkey nooqdey!


I will look around in the weekend inshallah, but I doubt I have what you want, almost everything I wrote was about SL.

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You are just getting this services in the UK? Ya'll are half a century behind.. :D:D


FYI, the still images that you would see on your screen may not necessary be recent ones. They could be a week, month, or year ago. So, the chance of spotting JB sneaking in, is minimal. redface.gif

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam*:

Abu you are to late with the damn duca,
nasiibkey nooqdey!


I will look around in the weekend inshallah, but I doubt I have what you want, almost everything I wrote was about SL.

:D I thought we were keeping it quite.


on a serious note though, the U.K and Australia are the 2 worst western countries in terms of spying on their own citizens.


this is just in yesterday : UK government to start tracking all facebook, myspace traffic

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The picture they have of my street was taken on the day we put our garbage out - so it literally looks rubbish. And my old car is in full view, they havent even shaded my plate number. What a friggin invation of privacy altogether! :mad:

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