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Don't miss this Londoners (Upcoming EmanRush Weekends )

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If you took an epic journey into the life of a man who transformed humanity, what would you discover?



What would you unquestionably miss if you did not?


Muhammad is not the father of any of you; He is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets – Qur’an


“If there was no miracle except the Seerah of the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, then it would suffice as the greatest miracle!” - Ibn Hajar



Dear Student of Knowledge,


If you have yearned to cultivate your relationship with Allah's Messenger, cry tears of love and spend two weekends with hundreds of students of knowledge doing all the above, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.


Here's why:


We all know Seerah classes have been taught far and wide, and CD’s are available. They happen, however, over a period of 8 weeks or 8 months, or you listen in your car on a long vacation drive. Everyday life gets in the way and the beauty of hearing the entire story and its lessons gets interrupted.


Seerah - The Shepherds Path is unlike any Seerah class that has been taught. No where else will in your city can you spend TWO full EmanRush WEEKENDS learning to love Allah's Messenger. No where else will you get the chance to forget your surroundings all weekend long and immerse yourself back to the cave of Hira 5 minutes before Angel Jibreel began the revelation. No where else will you feel the energy that is created when hundreds of Muslim students come together in one classroom.


"None of you believes until I am dearer to him than

his own father, his child, and all of mankind."


– Muhammad, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam



This is not a seminar … this is an event in your city’s history. The two weekends when your city gathered together to experience the Messenger of Allah’s Seerah, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam.


Let me give you three good reasons why this Seerah seminar will over-exceed your expectations:

Five Reasons To Believe What We Are Saying


Reason one: Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef is a captivating narrator! He has the ability to connect the audience with the story at hand, allowing students to journey and re-live each incident with the messenger of Allah SalAllahu Alayhi Wa sallam.


Reason two: Each time Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef starts The Shephard's Path, he promises you tears by the end of the seminar, and each time he fulfills his promise. The last day of The Shephard's Path simulates the last day with the Prophet Muhammad SalAllahu Alayhi Wa sallam.


Reason three: As a true visionary with exceptional talents in motivating others, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef extracts lessons from the Seerah of the Messenger of Allah SalAllahu Alayhi Wa sallam in a manner that is applicable to every student of knowledge in the modern day. Never before have you studied the Seerah from his perspective.


Reason four: Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef has studied the life of the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam INDEPTH from some of the greatest scholars of our time in the City of the Prophet, Madinah al-Munawarrah


Reason five: Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef's eloquence in the English language paired with his soothing Qur'aanic recitation captivates the listener as one feels a rush of Eman and a pulsating urge to apply the knowledge learned.

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^Please, drag Ibtisam along as well.


Alxamdulilah, I am thrilled for you guys. Speaking from experience, not only will you attain and maintain a massive EmanRush in this class, but a constant Tear-Rush as well.


Paragon, how many friends will you set out to convince accompanying you? Insha'Allah, many...I know you can accomplish it brother ;)

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MsDD, glad to hear that. Pass my salaams to your friend smile.gif .


Haneefah, Insha-Allah, I will try. Hadaan aniga tegi waayo xitaa I hope in aan other brothers ku qaalqaaliyo.


BlessedMuslimah, glad to know. Everyone who has attended it seems to be saying amazing stuff about this event. I hope when I do attend it I get the same feelings too Insha-Allah.

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Ms DD   

I will pass it on Paragon.


Blessedmuslimah sis, tell me bit more about the class? I really am counting the days and the hours. I have attended the Breach of Covenant class and it transformed me. Made me love the Quran even more.


Ibti wanna come?

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