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Hotel worker in Muslim insult anguish is sacked

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waxaas bal arak.....horta cadaanka waxaan kaga yaabay hortaada wey kula qoslayaan gadaashana waa lagaa tooreynayaa. Naagnimo hadey isku hayso mey naimo horteeda saas ku dhahdo.....fuli xaar weyn....waxaan oo kale maskaxdceyda maaso ee ka kicinee

taasoo kale shuqul keeda anaa aqaano ee yaa i tuso, bullshidh!! :mad: :mad:

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another racism act...ain't suprise 2 c that...people do that everyday 'smile @ ya with the most fakes smile they could eva put in front of their face' and then go back 2 their normal state' when u'aren't there...but i'm glad they fire the crook' thought....she deserve what she got out of the least she's sufferin' her penalties..way2go4 Naciima reportin' it...

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