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Important: Oslo nomads, a must event for you to go..

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To all the nomads living in Oslo,Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac(Professor and a Poet) will be coming to visit your area.It's the chance of a lifetime to see walking Somali legend of the literature.




Waxaa dadka af-Soomaliga ku hadla ee xiiseeya dhaqanka iyo hiddaha Soomaaliyeed loogu bushaaraynayaa xafladd dhaqameed la dihigi doono maalinta sabtida ah, bisha december labadeeda (2nd December). Kulanka waxa ka hadlidoonoa aqoonyahanka caanka ah, waa Maxmed Xaashi Dhamac (Gaariye). Gaarriye waa aqoonyahan aad ugu xeel dheer dhaqanka iyo suugaanta Soomaliyeed, oo daraasad cilmi (Analytical Research) oo dheer ku sameeyey asalka, dhismaha iyo tusmada maansada Soomaaliyeed. 1976-kii wuxxuu Gaarriye soo saaray oo daabacay (published) qawaaniinta maansada Soomaaliyeed (Grammatical and structural rules), taas oo u bixiyey miisaanka maansada. Miisanka maansado waxay noqotay arrin aad loo xigtay oo maanta Jaamacado Caalimi ahi ay ku saleeyaan baadhistooda ku saabsan maansada Somaliyeed (Somali Poetry Research).


Waxaa kaloo xafaladda ka soo qaybgelidoona fanaaniinta Somaliyeed ee Oslo deggan.


Xafladda waxaa lagu qabanayaa:


Meesha: Hersleb Skole, Herslebs gate 20b


Waqtiga: 2-da desember,


saacadda: 14.00 amma labada duhurnimo


Xafladdda waxa lagu soo gelayaa: 150 krone


Ahmed H Nur, Oslo

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