
Monopoly of Jeegan companies: A volcano waiting to explode in Somaliland

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Shirkado sida Fiinta uga qayliyey Wasiirka Macdanta & Shirkada Sompower oo Kooto loogu xidhay Laydhka Hargeisa+Hanjabaado & Digniino ay u direen





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There was a time when land disputes in Hargeisa were the hotest topic and armed land owners went at each other's throat and even in the ensueing battle death and injuries occurred. 

A country has to go through many many issues before things settle down. So I welcome when these kinds of issues become visible, it shows progress.

But rest assured, regardless how hot an issue gets, or how cold, one thing is for certain, Somalilanders will address it and resolve it. I know it is not something you want to hear it (i.e. the volcano is just errupting inside your head) :D 

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