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Originally posted by Castro:

^ Yac. It's the bloody Under 8 world cup. Co-ed too. LOL.


Blue, I made a mistake. Here's the one with the message:




What significance maa tidhi? Well thats quite easy. I can pretty much guess what it is.


Someone made fun of your size 8 shoe size & you knocked her down.So you went to the big house & ABC bonds bailed your sorry Azz,looool :D


No! no! Wait you are more civil than that. I beleive you ran into that concrete wall after a long night of binge drinking(NO?) & and then you blacked out & somehow you magically memorized those ABC BOND numbers & called them from jail,becoz u didnt wanna call your wife & mess up the kids watching thomas and freinds. :D So ABC saved your marriage and your life? So you took a picture for memerobilia and xasuus purpose?? NO? :confused: icon_razz.gif :confused:





Dude,you take pictures adna?

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^ I've always wondered what the inspiration for your chosen color was. Xaar? LOL.


Atheer not today. I'm in a good mood. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Castro:

^ I've always wondered what the inspiration for your chosen color was. Xaar? LOL.


Atheer not today. I'm in a good mood.

Lool.Typical castro.Horta you need to either deny my assumptions or affirm them,before you label My complexion as Xaar. :D


Btw,You know one thing i admire about you?,regardless of how much brown[i guess that answers your Q :D ] ppl throw @ you(intentional or not),you still maintain your cool. Respect!


So,what significance did that picture have? icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Bishitta:

Aren't you little too free with the compliment or you'r just kissing Atheer's cheeks

Lool@Bishita. Intixaan sanaa...No i was quite genuine with the compliments. I mean imagine if i threw such silly jabs at say....Khayr or Socodbadne.


Khayr ayada quran iyo hadith ayuu roob igaba dhigi lahaa by now and Socodbande would prolly bombard me with four or five sarcastic[&Lame] words from the Oxford dictionary and this thread would by now be 10pages long. But Castro is always cool.[And no thats not Cheeks kissing eedo :D ]..mmmm...Maxaa kale? icon_razz.gif

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I just moved into a new house and my little computer has no desk yet.. this is why I cant write on SOL.. 'cause my elbows and back hurt from all the sitting on the floor!


Will any1 be kind enough to point me in the direction of a good corner work station? :D


p.s. Blue, feel free to tell me to take my ugly pic out of your beautiful thread.

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Originally posted by Castro:

Blue, I made a mistake. Here's the one with the message:




Its an H the buildings make the two sides and the banner is the middle I right?!?!

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^ Not ugly but so qaxooti looking ^ that is. :D




That's my babeh Gismo trying to sneak into my bedroom. :D


PS: How do you make images bigger?

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Originally posted by Bishitta:

^ Not ugly but so qaxooti looking ^ that is.




That's my babeh Gismo trying to sneak into my bedroom.


PS: How do you make images bigger?

Kaalay,why would you not let gismo into your bedroom? icon_razz.gif


Blue;oh thats the kinda message he was talkin about? smile.gif

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I used to let him in, but now he's a bit older, and am preparing Gismo for them special nights when you don't want your babies in your bed :D . He's learned how to open my door at night. I now shut the door and put the vacuum on the other side.

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Bishaaro, my 'room' (I dont have a 'place' yet, the rest of the house belongs to mummy dearest icon_razz.gif ), is in transition... I plan to make it the most comfortable and cozy room in the house now that I've the time (I'm an 'unofficial' graduate as of last friday - yippie!).


Your 'place' looks neat. I wish rooms come that size in London. redface.gif

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Originally posted by Amelia:



I just moved into a new house and my little computer has no desk yet.. this is why I cant write on SOL.. 'cause my elbows and back hurt from all the sitting on the floor!


Will any1 be kind enough to point me in the direction of a good corner work station?


p.s. Blue, feel free to tell me to take my ugly pic out of your beautiful thread.

I Don't see an ugly pic... had you not told me the story behind it I would have interpreted as bare minimals, the cords as different passages to life, the monitor as the meeting point of those passages and the other components as what sustains it all...just one way of looking at it :D

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Originally posted by Bishitta:

I used to let him in, but now he's a bit older, and am preparing Gismo for them special nights when you don't want your babies in your bed
. He's learned how to open my door at night. I now shut the door and put the vacuum on the other side.

Lool,wax waalan. :D


Congrats Amelia walaal . Btw dont you think its time you & Ahuura shared a flat?. You are now 2 grown azz women who can handle the real world. smile.gif


Ps.I cant beleive i have knonw you from freshman to graduation.Wow.Talk of growing right infront of my e-yes smile.gif

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Originally posted by Brown:

Congrats Amelia walaal . Btw dont you think its time you & Ahuura shared a flat?. You are now 2 grown azz women who can handle the real world.


Ps.I cant beleive i have knonw you from freshman to graduation.Wow.Talk of growing right infront of my e-yes

I dont live with Ahura.. I live with my family... and I've no intention of moving out until I can afford to buy. Dont like the renting business at all - a collossal waste of money.


I know.. I feel like I've grown up on SOL sometimes. :D . Thx for the well wishes.

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^ Hey Congrats. So what's your next move? Finding Nemo, err Pharax I meant to torture :D ?


Brown: I think I'm wax waalan too, but then waalan people don't know they're waalan, so if I think I am...then I'm not. icon_razz.gif


Peace out biibol, I'm doing my laundry.

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