
International Community extremely concerned (read: Time for Nappy Change for Villa AMISOM)

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The United Nations, African Union, European Union, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, Ethiopia, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States are extremely concerned by recent political and security developments in Mogadishu that risk derailing hard-earned political, economic, and security achievements and tarnishing the reputation of Somalia. 

The international community urges all Somali leaders and politicians to respect the rule of law and the Provisional Federal Constitution in resolving political differences.  This needs to include preservation of democratic space. Activities that increase tensions leading to possible violence should be avoided at all costs.

The international community urges leaders in Parliament and the Executive to engage in respectful discussions in the coming days and to use constitutional and peaceful means to resolve political differences.

The international community commends those groups and individuals who are mediating a peaceful resolution to political differences and stands behind their efforts.

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Of all these instituions and countries, I trust Italy to have best intentions.

Berlusconi was once asked why all Italian colonies in shambles, Albania, Libya, Eritrea and Somalia and his answer was he wished he had the capacity to support at least one of them.

Italy have no axe to grind maybe business companies interest but not much.

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2 hours ago, Oodweyne said:

Hence, it's like telling a kids who gone a bit wild the bend with their toys, that now, lads, I did not bought you this "expensive toys" to do what you are doing with it. And therefore, stop this now. And get back to your "basic reading and writing till further notice from me in-terms of whether you will play with your toys.

This is essentially what the the powers-that-be are telling these folks in Villa Somalia, or else they are saying we will put the "diplomatic screws" on to you, like we are very capable of doing it to you, if you do not pay any heed as to what we are telling you right now.

Italy simply does not have the capacity. Italy itself is a cobbled up country.

As for the British, French and their boss America, yes its the way you put it. The number of priveteers, consultants, agencies, NGOs involved is astounding and they drive policies of the empires in Somalia.

All an old warlord has to do to come back in control of his district is get on the good side of one of these privateers and then the whole empire from Europe or America is on his side.

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