Deeq A.

Report claims Siyaad Barre was not Muslim?

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Macno samayn mayso inaad soo xigato mowduucyada aan faa'iidadu ku jirin

M'd  siyaad barre wuxuu ahaa muslin tawaaduc leh, jecel sinaanta iyo cadaaladda, la casheeya dadka faqiirka ah kibirkana ka faana.

intaas waan ku aqaanay allaha u naxariisto

Berigii hore dhaqankeena lama diidi jirin xataa haduusan diinta waafaqsanayn waana ka horaysay xukunkii milatariga

Timuhu waa tidcanaayeen miyiga waana ku faani jirnay gabar timo tidcan iyo wan madax madow 

Kuwa magaalkuna kama ay fogayn dhaqamada reer galbeedka rag iyo dumarba waana laysku waafaqsanaa ayadoo la tukanayo.

Risaaladu hadda la haysto waxay nasoo gaartay awaakhirkii todobaatamayadii oo ay yimaadeen dhalinyaro nagusoo kordhiyay wax badan oo mujtamacu qaadan waayay markii hore  balse aakhirkii  aqbalay

Waana tan reer galbeedku ka samri la'yihiin

Diinteenu waa dhexdhaxaad ogol taasamuxa diimaha oo dhan

Haddii la adkeeyo waa dhib badan tahay sida hadda muuqata oo dadka xerada looga saarayo.

Haddii la khafiifiyana waa dhib oo waxaad lagu milmayaa umado kale oo ku dhaqan doorin kara

Dhexdu waa unugga diintu ku adkaato dadka dhintayna ilaahay ha loo daayo.


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Wuxuu ahaaba aakhiro la aaday waxaa la ogyahay inuu ahaa qof aaminsan mabda'a hantiwadaaga oo wax diin ah shaqo Ku laheen.

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  On 3/18/2018 at 2:20 PM, Tallaabo said:

So Siyaad Barre was ready to embrace the cross just to defeat the SNM? 

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Xiligan la joogo ayaa qaar badani diinta uga bixi doonaan nacaybka Somaliland. Kuwa habeen iyo maalin xumaantayadda maleegaya badhaadhahayaga Neceb bal ka warama? 24/7 dad muslim ah ayey xumaan la raadinayaan!

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 2

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In Ethiopia this happened in 1916. A Prince was deposed simply by fake news that he has secretly converted to Islam. The fake news was thought of by British Ambassador in Ethiopia. After a week long meeting between Shiwa Amhara nobles and British, French and Italian Ambassadors, came up with this fake news, made the pope to excommunicate the Prince and the rest is history.


The Ethiopian government of the day did not know what to do, then some wise officer went into the attic of the foreign office and dug up a file that was prepared during the Haileslassie rule.

That file gave all detailed instructions what to do about Somalia, if there is a problem about irridentism and the rest was history. The military dictator folwed everything that was in that file every t and every i.

Reading the steps taken, makes one sad that the late Barre destroyed a whole peoples future, still has followers who live with that blurrred vision, yet late Barre trusted Egyptian advice more than elders, generals, colonels and professionals in his own country.

There was a memorial for the 116 Cubans that died in the war on Ethiopias side, and the investigative article was written in that regard.

To the new SNM generation:

Ethiopian policy at the time was to weaken Somalia, but not enough for you to achieve victory. This was from king haileslassie file. Same policy the Egyptians followed in Eritrea. SSDF was first to find out this policy and then SNM, who simply ignored that part of Ethiopian policy objectives.

Djibouti was one of the biggest undoing of late Barre and he did not know it. Too arrogant by numbers of the O versus the one in Djibouti.


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  On 3/18/2018 at 1:42 PM, Oodweyne said:

Consequently, what this means, is that, Mr Barre, really was a very cynical man, and very brutal man as it so happens. So that will explain why he was having this sort of "dalliance" with the likes of Senator Grassley of Iowa, who actually think things in a very "simply terms" of who is a Christian and who is not sort of way, even when it comes to who the US's government should support, strategically, in the wider world.

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This is not entirely true of senator Grassley. He takes himself of an American empire leadership more than he does of Evangelism, Mormonism or the likes. He is one of more a christian-zionist if there is one as such than a Chritian.

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I don't believe Siyaad Bare like most dictators cared or followed any religion, specially at the height of his power.

This senator is wrong or got wrong impressions.

No idea if Siyad Barre changed his mind when he got very old and sick,surely most people  of any society when very old or terminally ill, looking  for hope and afterlife, became very religous.

When did Edna reconverted to Islam? Didn't know she was not even Muslim.

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Waa nimco soo korortay ilaahay mahaddiis, haddii snm iyo taageerayaasheedu ka mudaaharadayaan ama diidan yihiin, gaal iyo jacaylkiis.

Taasi waxay keenaysaa in aqoonsigu dheraado oo biyuhu meesha godan isugu tagaan. 

Markuu qofku yiraahdo muslin baan ahay oo aad maqasho waxaa ka markhaatiya intii maqashay shahaadadiisa iyo ilaahay

Hadduu qalbiga ka yiraahdana ilaahay iyo asaga.

Dadka ku doodaya hanti wadaag buu ahaa wuuna ku gaaloobay, kuwii asaga ka horeeyay iyo kuwa iminka joogaba  waa hanti goosad, labaduna kitaabka ma waafaqsana.

Qaarna in masaajid loogu magacdaro qaarna la gaaleeyo suurta gal ma'ahan aragtidayda. 

Shaqada alle iyo xisaabtiisa yaan la fara-gashan Asagaa cidduu doona janeeya kuu doonana cadaaba.

Allaha u naxariisto dhamaantood waa khadka kaliya oo noo furan.


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  On 3/18/2018 at 11:26 PM, maakhiri1 said:

No idea if Siyad Barre changed his mind when he got very old and sick,surely most people  of any society when very old or terminally ill, looking  for hope and afterlife, became very religous.

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An Ethiopian minister who met for a chat (talk) Siad Barre for the last time in 1989 in Djibouti described him as had deteriorated a lot. Maybe was not in good health. He was cursing Africans and Arabs and tribes.

It was a bit late to focus on Religion, was too busy trying to save his regime. He was talking as if Djibouti was or still can be persuaded to be one of his provinces.

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  On 3/19/2018 at 12:03 PM, Oodweyne said:

As for Gen. Barre it's in the historical archive of the US's government's document. And he actually told this Senator Grassley of Iowa that he is a "secret Christian" of the Catholic line of Christianity. And he was always a "believer" of his lord Jesus, from all the way from the Italian's fascist era.

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I am not surprised at all. He was a violently insane person. Not that Christians are like that, but "wax walba ka filo" kind of guy. 

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