
EPRDF dead locked to nominate premier

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daawo-xaalada-ethiopia-oo-meel-h.jpg?resWararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in xukuumadu ay qiratay fashilka kuyimid iyagoo sheegay in sababo laxidhiidha khilaaf dhexdooda ah ay ufashilmeen.

Xog hayaha urur  talada wadanka haya ee EPRDF Shafarow Shigute oo waraysi siiyay wargayska Addis Zeben, ayaa sheegay in dhibaatada wadanka kasocotay ay iyagu mas’uul kayihiin, isla markaana ay wadanka u horseedeen burbur iyo xasilooni la’aan.

Shafarow Shigute oo hadalkiisa siiwatay ayaa sheegay in is qabqabsi mudo soo jiitamay oo kooxda EPRDF udhaxeeyay uu sababay khalkhalka siyaasadeed ee wadanka saameeyay ee xalka loowaayay.

Shafarow Shigute ayaa sheegay in xisbiga EPRDF uu isku haysto talada wadanka, taas oo sida uu Shafarow sheegay ilaa iyo hada Raysal-wasaare lasoo magacaabi la’yahay.

Dhinaca kale waxaa wali siisocda shirkii  EPRDF, kaas oo lagu wado in uu mudo siisocon doono, sidoo kale waxaa lasheegayaa in ilaa iyo hada wax natiijo ah uusan kasoo bixin kulamada xidhiidh ka ah ee kooxda udhaxeeya.

Bayaan kasoo baxay  Xisbiga Ormada ee bah wadaagta la ah EPRDF ee OPDO ayaa siwayn loogu dhaleeceeyay xasuuqii ciidanka dawladu  ka gaysteen magaalada Moyale ee dhulka Oromada, waxaana bayaanka lagu sheegay in ciidanka wayaanuhu ay si badheedh ah ulaayeen dad shacab ah.

Bayaanka kasoo baxay  OPDO oo luuqad adag lagu qoray ayaa lagu sheegay in Dawlada ay ka tirsan yihiin looga fadhiyo jawaab shacabka Oromia qancisa, iyo wali wax kaqabad muuqda oo wax laga qabto ciidanka falkan fuliyay.

Wasiirka warfaafinta ee ismaamulka Oromada Taye Dandane ayaa sheegay in talaabadan dadka shacabka ah lagu xasuuqay ay ahayd mid badheedh ah, isla markaana amarka laga soo bixiyay magaalada Addis Ababa, wuxuuna sheegay in ay laxisaab tamayaan dadkii kadambeeyay falkan waxshi nimada ah.

Dhinaca kale  Xisbiga EPRDF ayaa sheegay in dilka kadhacay magaalada Moyale uu ahaa mid si khalad ah kudhacay isla markaana ay baadhitaan kusamayn doonaan wixii meesha kadhacay.

Hadalka kasoo yeedhay  OPDO ayaa siwayn ujabinaya go’aankii xukuumada ee ahaa in maamul hoosaadyadu aysan hadli karin inta uu jiro xukunka dag daga ah ee wadanka lagu soo rogay go’aankaas oo sicad ay Oromadu iskaga dhaga tirtay.

Dhinaca kale dhalinyaro abaabulan ayaa dil aar goosi ah kasamaysay magaalada Moyale, halkaas oo lagu dilay mid kamid ah ciidanka wayaanaha mid kalana lagu dhaawacay.


ku soo biir Subulaha news network.

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How long will it take to find the best Wayaane puppet?

some say 45 days others 90 days.

I think the EPRDF must be disbanded . Let the Wayaane puppet Desalegn call general election.

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3 hours ago, galbeedi said:

How long will it take to find the best Wayaane puppet?

some say 45 days others 90 days.

I think the EPRDF must be disbanded . Let the Wayaane puppet Desalegn call general election.

Oh galbeedi, what happened.

Your Oromo brotherhood network out of service?

Inetresting picture you have there made from some 6 pictures. Movie production should be next.


I think you know what Weyannie means?

EPRDF will be expanded but not disbanded. The Somali will be in as equal to the Oromo, South, Amhara and Tigray. Next Afar and next other regions. maybe by some changed formulae.

How would you like that? I know you will be against it, since the Oromo are dead set against it.



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1 hour ago, Dahireeto said:

Old Observer aka gebremichael is who I am cheering for. Let us hope he makes it. 



I do not think he will want it. He is decisive and modern with technology, but not communicator, orator or much patience. Plus in General Tigray are not interested this time.

If the Oromo agree to the expansion of EPRDF then its a new ball game. The Tigray and Amhara support the expansion, the South is neutral and the Oromo are dead set against it, since the first one in the expansion will be Somali kilil/Nationality.

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First the basic information:

This meeting is only executive committee meeting has not much to do with Prime minister election

It has yet to finish review meeting. Report of one of the parties remaining. Have reviewd report of 3 of the 4 until now

Its the Central committee that can talk of Chirman/Prime minister


Have patience. I know its hard to do when you are in the march for Menelik Palace with your Oromo brotherhood, but there are rules of the process and also procedures that cannot be skipped even for you.


The central committee is expected to meet next week.

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Gabremikeal is puppet master, he is in charge of many things but he will not be the prime minister. The genie is out , the Tigray must hide behind someone or the peasants will storm the house immediately.



there is no procedure , they just worried. furthermore, EPRDF IS A CLUB for four groups , no one is asking the opinions of Illey or the poor Affar. We know Those who are deliberating. The Oromo march will come sooner. do not worry

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18 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

Gabremikeal is puppet master, he is in charge of many things but he will not be the prime minister. The genie is out , the Tigray must hide behind someone or the peasants will storm the house immediately.



there is no procedure , they just worried. furthermore, EPRDF IS A CLUB for four groups , no one is asking the opinions of Illey or the poor Affar. We know Those who are deliberating. The Oromo march will come sooner. do not worry

So Gebremichael is the deep state?

As for Oromo, why not, they can have their day under the sun. The only question is they are working according to old formulae. The formulae of domination. They are aiming to dominate Ethiopia as did the Amhara with language, government, overloarding everyone.

The rules have changed. Every Ethnic witll govern themselves, develop and use their language and plan their activities within their region. That is a game changer that happened 20 years ago. That is why the Oromo benefitted from this and now they have one territory governed by themselves, use their language for everything.

Now they want to take Ethiopia back to the old system and have all Ethnics use Oromo language and have 1/2 of all government posts at federal.

NO can do, and that is what they got. Already admitting their mistakes and making amends.

No body in Ethiopia has objections to an Oromo becoming a PM, including Somalis. The objection is the Oromo cannot be thinking and working for domination of Somali. Its that simple.

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58 minutes ago, Mourad1 said:

The longer the waiting game drags on, the tougher it will be to get all parties behind the chosen one. 

maybe both sides think that will benefit them. It could be necessary instrument for both sides. If you cannot win, at least weaken your opponent and next time you will.

Its only 2 years left for election.

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I agree  that the KIlil thing has eliminated the power the  Amhara had over everyone. If the army and intelligence remained at the hands of the Tigray, they will still have the power to rule behind the scene. Just like the Amhara, the Oromo would not be able to dominate other Kilils. If they try, then people will use the same card the used and dismantle the system.

It will take probably three to four years to purge the Tigray from the military and intelligence. If the elected prime minister have enough power in the parliament, he might slowly dismantle the Tigray power.

If I were Oromo premier, I would dismiss quickly Illey and appoint an Oromo ally, appoint few Somali generals in the army and security and keep Amhara close. I might give ahmara the power to manage the economy and squeeze the Tigray, and eventually open the Somali region for free movement and business among Somalis.

Change is always better than the status quo. Our Tigray friends will still eat and survive, so no worries. 


I heard that while the officer corp is dominated by Tigray the rank and file soldiers are Amhara and Oromo. What can you say about that.

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3 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

I heard that while the officer corp is dominated by Tigray the rank and file soldiers are Amhara and Oromo. What can you say about that.

It is reflective of the general population up to Colonel level. Therefore is about 25-30% Oromo, 20-27% Amhara and the rest similar percentages, but with caveat. Every nationality has members in the forces. Its not like a nationality with 0.01 pecent of population would have 0.01 percent, but some of them maybe 2% of the forces.

When they started General to soldier Tigray/Agew/Afar had more than 85% of the forces.

In 20 years they are almost there to making generals as well. Remember from Soldier to General it would take 30 years for a person if kept in good order and shape.

What they did for people like Abiy is train them well and started them from Captain or 1-2 levels below captain.

It takes 5 years for Tigray to go from level to level but some Oromo, Amhara and others were fast tracked in 1-3 years.


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If they started with 85%, then they must may still have large percentages.

Overall, the KIlil thing has worked well for everyone to control their land especially Somalis, but only a shake up of the system will change the emergency situation of the Somali region.


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12 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

It will take probably three to four years to purge the Tigray from the military and intelligence. If the elected prime minister have enough power in the parliament, he might slowly dismantle the Tigray power.

If I were Oromo premier, I would dismiss quickly Illey and appoint an Oromo ally, appoint few Somali generals in the army and security and keep Amhara close. I might give ahmara the power to manage the economy and squeeze the Tigray, and eventually open the Somali region for free movement and business among Somalis.

You are already a premier lol

It does not work that way. I know you are on the Oromo side, but just like you know the Tigray Amhara competition, the Somali and Oromo are the same.

As Tigray is to Amhara the Somali is to Oromo. The only difference is the Amhara can ally with the Tigray if he needs to, but the Oromo will not ally with a Somali. "History is a b*tch" the westerners say. The Somali is always independent and when lost independence is fighting. The Oromo history is bit different. That obstacle is not easy to cross.

Its like you find it "impossible" to say anything good about Illey no matter if he did something "angelic". galbeedi will always find someone to give credit to other than Illey.


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1 minute ago, galbeedi said:

If they started with 85%, then they must may still have large percentages.

Overall, the KIlil thing has worked well for everyone to control their land especially Somalis, but only a shake up of the system will change the emergency situation of the Somali region.


They retired 30,000 (Tigray and Agew/Afar) all in one go frm the military 20 years ago and have been working at it.

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