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Sacrificing for your family’s well being - The male perspective.

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Originally posted by Rahima:

^For kicks Castro, that's why i've stopped entertaining Xiin.


Took me a while, but i caught on eventually.

Is that so? It took me even longer to realize that then. LOL.

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^^I thought I’ve managed to maintain a good relationship, for the most part, with sisters. Of course there are always some reactionaries whom I never intended to please. Waxaa jira kuwa sheekha inay iga maagaan shaqo ka dhigtay. Anna xerta sh.Nur baan ku jiraa :D , adeer.


Pious Rahima knows she is one of my favorite sisters. Waagaan wiilka ahaa haddey joogi lahayd sheekadu intaa waa kasii fiicnaan lahayd :D .

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^ Two parts to the equation dear icon_razz.gif .


And for the love of God don’t work against us, we’re trying to wean him off it not encourage. You Castro have obviously not been reading the plan of attack :mad: .


Waxaa jira kuwa sheekha inay iga maagaan shaqo ka dhigtay. Anna xerta sh.Nur baan ku jiraa

The mere mention of the word ‘xerta’ sends shivers down my spine. Allah what they did to me in Somalia :( .


And yes I know I’m one of your favourite female nomads- all those pms made it crystal clear :D . Don’t worry though, feeling is mutual ina adeer- the favourite part that is, i still happen to be a gabar icon_razz.gif .

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Originally posted by Rahima:

Don’t worry though, feeling is mutual ina adeer- the favourite part that is, i still happen to be a gabar


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^The pair of you are unbelievable.


I sat here for a good 30 seconds or so thinking to myself why the shock, and then it hit me.


For clarification purposes, I was innocently responding to Xiin’s post,


Waagaan wiilka
ahaa haddey joogi lahayd sheekadu intaa waa kasii fiicnaan lahayd .

Hence unlike Xiin who is no longer a boy, I still am a girl (i.e. younger).



Tut, tut, people, shame on you two!


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^ Just online (friendly) harassment atheer. It only works too if you get warmed up about it. :D


Originally posted by Rahima:

Hence unlike Xiin who is no longer a boy


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^ Don't you just love the Memri site? I love it too. I must have seen 30 clips just yesterday. It's an incredible repository of relevant video clips.


I confirm this transcript below (of Amelia's clip) is a very accurate translation:


The following are excerpts from a show about polygamy in Egypt, which aired on MBC TV on July 31, 2005.


Reporter: Sameh Sayyed Mursi is married to four wives. The first is Umm Maha, the second is Umm Amira, the third is Umm Adham, and the fourth is Madame Hiba.


The four women compete among themselves who will treat Sameh the best and try to please him. Let's meet the polygamist, Sameh Sayyed Mursi. Why did Sameh marry a second wife, in addition to his first, Umm Maha?


Sameh:Because she was too jealous.


Reporter: Why did he marry a third time, after Umm Amira?


Sameh: Luck struck again, with Umm Amira. I met her and fell in love with her. She too was jealous, so I was forced to marry Umm Adham.


Reporter: And what about your fourth marriage?


Sameh: Madame Hiba is my last wife. That's fate.


Reporter: Where do the four wives live?


Sameh: I married Umm Amira, and, Allah be praised, we lived above my shop. I married Umm Adham, and I put her above the shop too. I married Hiba, and put her above the shop too.


Reporter: Can Sameh divide his feelings between his wives equally?


Sameh: Today I'm with Umm Maha, so I'm with Umm Maha. Tomorrow I will be with Umm Amira, so I will be with Umm Amira. Every day with one.


Reporter: How does Sameh describe his four wives?


Sameh: Umm Maha is jealous. Umm Amira is also very jealous. Umm Adham is my beloved, my sister, my wife, my friend, my everything. She is like one of my buddies. The last, Hiba, I also married out of love, of course.


Reporter: What about arguments and disputes?


Sameh:: When they fight with one another I don't intervene. I only intervene in the serious issues.


Reporter: What does the first wife, Umm Maha, say about Sameh's marriages?


Umm Maha: The first time he got married, I was angry and very depressed. When he married the third wife, I was happy. The fourth time, I went and asked her hand in marriage for him, and I went and got the furniture and the apartment ready for him.


Reporter: How does Umm Amira, the second wife, describe Sameh?


Umm Amira: He's a man, a man, a man. Allah be praised, I am proud of him.


Reporter: Wife No. 3, Umm Adham, says:


Umm Adham: His manliness, his manliness. He does not bend before anyone. Maybe it's his strength that makes one love him.


Reporter: We still have to hear the fourth wife, Madame Hiba.


Madame Hiba: I found great compassion in him. Everybody wants a little compassion and a kind word, a loving lap, and I found that in Sameh.


Reporter: A man who has made jealousy into a reason for serial marriages. Four wives who talk about acceptance and satisfaction from such married lives. Can jealousy be a justification for Sameh's many marriages?

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Umm Maha: The first time he got married, I was angry and very depressed. When he married the third wife, I was happy. The fourth time, I went and asked her hand in marriage for him, and I went and got the furniture and the apartment ready for him.

Talk about classical conditioning. Now that's the ideal minwayn. :D

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^ It's not for you or I, atheer, but it is allowed in Islam. Those who abuse it will be punished for it. The supermen out there who can manage, good for them.

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^^Let that be the summary of this whole thread.


LOOL@Amelia. It’s an ideal scenario of successful polygamy. Who can beat that. SOL girls take note, I say. Who wouldn’t like that kind of service :D , I ask.


Rahimay, I liked how you stirred the crowd. Even witty Castro couldn’t handle the shell you dropped. Gabar iga dheh :D .


--leaves this thread for good-----

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