
US Senate Hearing on current state of South Somalia - A Reality check

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AMISOM withdrawal is solely money based not based on strength of Somalia army

Al Shabab cannot be defeated and cannot be negotiated with (wow what a dawner)

Al Shabab is using marginalized communities who see no hope with the formulae, the non marginalezed cannot unite

The federal Gov is not united, corrupt, and collection of various interests

2.5 million Somalis displaced next draught next crisis could be catastrophic. IDPs cannot farm, cannot develop always at risk for eviction by stronger clans.


SNA is mistrusted by some important clans, poorly organized,

Qatar Turkey control President, PM and UAE/Saudi control regional states


On the other hand:

Each of the presenters and members of the committee are showing bleak situation because they want American money directed to areas of their interest. Also want to show that Trump actions are bad. More money for this more money for that as each will benefit

Congress wants to show Chinese threat to be more important than Somalia

Congress worries more about Kenya and Ethiopia than the 12 million Somalis

America itself is influenced by UAE - Qatar tug than Somalis


None of the advisors consultants for example proposed radical change or solution. Only one of the consultants asked one question:

The question should not be why Al Shabab is strong, but why the SFG is so weak

Why have some regions withstood Al Shabab and are least supported (Puntland is one he seems to have had in mind)



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The fact is.

Termendance progress has made in the south Somalia. In fact People from the north(Hargeysa) are continue moving to southern somali cities such as mogadishu and Kismayo for better future. 

Somali security forces are for first time beating back Alshabaab alone with some support of U.S military.

I do not get this report for this time. Really but Somalis are not the attended audience and that does not make differences. It is all about the good work Somalis done for their country


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