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How central government tamed madaxda maamul goboleedyada

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The uproar against the attempted daylight robbery of Berbera port by Xabashida and the rulers of Dubeey, there is one corner that is very eerily muted: Madaxda maamul goboleedyada except the obvious one in Hargeysa.

The usual suspects, the known pro-Xabashi and pro-Dubeey  - chief among them Gaas and Shariif - are very reticent this time, even when baarlamaanka dowladda dhexe made all DP World agreements null and void, which affects the suspicious agreements on Boosaaso and Baraawe as well.

Perhaps they are binding their time, perhaps not. Perhaps qalalaasaha Itoobiya ka taagan and its leadership vacuum is making them hesitate since there won't be Xabashi ugu yeeraayo from Adisababa. Perhaps wey ka dhabeynayaan to follow the dowladda dhexe anything dealing with foreign affairs as it was agreed in their last meeting in Muqdisho. Time will tell.

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