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Khat, Jaad, the green stuff

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^ Bal u sheeg! Gabadhan waa laga yaaban yahay.


KK: Wiilashan iska deey noo abbaa, marna midaa nayt galaab ku qal-qaalinee, marna midaa ilkahiisa jajaban naa-naadinee.

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LOL. KK anigu waa hore buu oday kale waran wadnahayga ku taagay. Markii meeshaan laga buriyey calaacalkeyga Chinaa laga sheeganayay.


Sidaasaan ku gartay adna inaad nabar qarsanaysid :D

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Originally posted by lvly_Aragsan:





They would not have sold it if their husband's are not drug head.


Aan sheeko yar kuu sheego about jaad aboowe. I went to Hergaysa one year ago and there was this lady close to my sister's house that own a salon, she does the cilaan and sells hair product, I went to her salon to get my hair done and also get some xine saar. We had a good conversation and while we were talking one of her children came, to my surprise his dad sent him to get money from mom so he can go buy some khat, she told her child that to tell the father she is not done with the customer.

After few minutes later, the boy came back again, and said daddy wants the money right now, she told him to wait because she is not done and did not receive the money from the customer.


I asked the lady how many children she has, and she said four. I was shocked to find out that she left 4 days old baby in the house, so she can feed her children and for his shidy khaat. :mad:

Umul ayay aheyd. maalintaa wixii ka danbeeyey wixii jaad cunaa waa drug head in my book.


hehehehe ,, that happens aan weliba kuugu sii daree ,, that woman owns a good business that she might afford to pay both his Khat and the rest of the family. But there are other women selling something like botatoes, tomatoes, etc. earning a very little money and still pay for their khat ................ Waa adduunyo gaddoon walee.


which Saloon was that ?? ,,,,,,,,



Nephthys, loooooooooooooooooooooooooool ,, belo kula indho fiiqnaatay bal dadka keleba imay arage maxaa i kaa tusay ?? :D ..... I should sue that camera man , i told him not to take a photo with my open mouth and he did it .... I knew inuu meesha igu qashifayo :D



Cara, stop the qarxis dee ,,, dadka laguma qayliyee ,,,,,,,,,, looooool



Kool_kat, afkeenu waa isu amaan :D

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Muniira, we all are good, sister. Eebba ha naga wada dhigo ummadiis jidka saxsan ku toosan.

^^Amiin.. redface.gif

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

^ Bal u sheeg! Gabadhan waa laga yaaban yahay.


KK: Wiilashan iska deey noo abbaa, marna midaa nayt galaab ku qal-qaalinee, marna midaa ilkahiisa jajaban naa-naadinee.

Ani adilee ii bilaabay...Ma baqdahada...OKEY...Remember the "K" oo holceysay, aa kuu joogto qofna haka


Cara, ee fiiri, ambo wadneheeyga waran aa marhore laga taagtay... ;)


Kool_kat, afkeenu waa isu amaan

Sheekha, always dee...

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Originally posted by lvly_Aragsan:





They would not have sold it if their husband's are not drug head.


Aan sheeko yar kuu sheego about jaad aboowe. I went to Hergaysa one year ago and there was this lady close to my sister's house that own a salon, she does the cilaan and sells hair product, I went to her salon to get my hair done and also get some xine saar. We had a good conversation and while we were talking one of her children came, to my surprise his dad sent him to get money from mom so he can go buy some khat, she told her child that to tell the father she is not done with the customer.

After few minutes later, the boy came back again, and said daddy wants the money right now, she told him to wait because she is not done and did not receive the money from the customer.


I asked the lady how many children she has, and she said four. I was shocked to find out that she left 4 days old baby in the house, so she can feed her children and for his shidy khaat.

Umul ayay aheyd. maalintaa wixii ka danbeeyey wixii jaad cunaa waa drug head in my book.

I hate anyone who eats that filthy thing called KHAT. Can't stand them nor can I stand those brothers who smoke. The other day one my neighbors offered to give me a ride, those two minutes in the car I was literally suffocating walahi.


why can't they just stop eating khat, and smoking all together. They know it is bad for their health in the long run.

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So here's the big confusion, a whole bunch of people with limited knowledge on the plant are gathering to to share their one-sided opinion on the matter.


Lets separate 'use' and 'abuse'. as with every other cultural pastime, abuse of khat will lead to all the negative outcomes. BUT like the man said "Guns don't kill people, People kill people!"


From seeing a wide range of Khat users, business men, scholars, artist and community leader, I can say the problem may not be the herb but the person chewing it. If your loser a$$ wasn't going anywhere to begin with, it might be a little short-sighted to blame the visible rather than the individual's will to succeed.

So we know a ton of people who are currently working their way through education systems worldwide, and an equal number who completed their education.

a + b = c


a being quality of the education

b being testicular fortitude, will and ability of the person.

c being the level of success


You all know damn well there'll be a few cases where b will equal to 0.


Thats when all the narrow minded peeps and the ones that want to cover for the integrity of a friend or family member with find every excuse expect the real one.


"everything went to hell when he started chewing jaad"


"that woman he married ruined him"


"the white people at that company wouldn't give him a chance"


etc etc...


Bottom line, some people are losers. We can't all win.


If you wanna chew khat because it relaxes you and you just like the marqaan feeling, more power to ya. If you already know where you want to go, an evening of giza won't derail your train

... but let moderation be your guide.

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