
Rex Tillerson takes a jab at Djibouti's IOG - Do not give away your sovereignty b/c of Chinese Loans

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Africa should avoid forfeiting sovereignty to China over loans: Tillerson

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday that African countries should be careful not to forfeit their sovereignty when they accept loans from China, the continent’s biggest trading partner.


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16 hours ago, Ducale said:

Djibouti is in good hand. In Ismaaciil we trust.


why not he is right now the best man for himself and the people. He is doing what is good for himself and what is good for the people.

Tillerson accusing the Chinese of making africans loose sovereignty means America will violate sovereignty of countries to fight China.

Americans always accuse China or Russia of what they do, or want to do themselves. Americans most likely have a plan against Djibouti soverignty by using Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somaliland/Somalia.


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Tillerson does not seem happy with American ways of Trump, but then again as late president Jamal Abdelnasir said " You Americans do stupid things and the worst part is you Americans do stupid things in a very complicated way. You make us think thsat we are missing something, we must be missing something, how can America do such a stupid mistake. We spend a lot of time and money and you achieve our delay, our lack of confidence and failure to act"


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USA and Ethiopia have had 115 years of diplomatic relations. Never interrupted except the 5 years of War between Italy and Ethiopia where USA was neutral, but commercially supported Italy.

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