
Grand Garaad of beesha Laascaanood - Garaad Jamaac Garaad Cabdiqani fully backs Somaliland + Khatumo talks

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Do not be confused the meeting of one subclan in the lasanod district.  These people are not sessions. Privately, Ali Khalif who is  involved the geo-global issue in the region and Somaliland leaders have discussed big bargain between north and south. 

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Nothing has changed my friend. Putland has been the problem, even some cases working with Somaliland. They are 100% with Villa Somalia. They are very nationalistic as always. In fact, many Burco and Hargeysa people are also with Villa Somalia. I also recently been in the region from Boorame to Boosaaso, there hope, dream and future is a great and prosperous  Somalia. People like you, with relative working the former colonial, may not understand the will of the people. For the  united and prosperous Somalia is answer.  It may not be the answer for you.

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Not so fast, Mudane Oodweyne, a.k.a Ina Cawil Mucjiso( He who was sired by an infertile Octogenarian)--No need to rush out of here just yet, saaxiib, without first being thoroughly chastised by Señor Tillamook for your silly statements.

Seems to me that all Duufaan did in here was share with us what he saw on the ground, which was a people that support Villa Somalia and the unquestionable unity of Somalia. A people with some rigid adhesion to Villa Somalia that are looking forward to the stability,  economic and social prosperity of our country after many controversial civil war years that were  imbued with divisiveness,  poverty and wretchedness.

So tell us, Ina Cawil Mucjiso: Why should we take your version of events and facts, and your many questionable... "knew in his heart and in his head" statements, and not Duufaan's? Seems to me you have made a number of nonsensical assertions above without providing a scintilla of provable information proving your oblique insinuations . Worse still, despite offering the usual rubric cube of gibberish that we are accustomed to from you--  you had time to accuse others of pulling stuff from their "back-sides"  and yet before that, like a bogus Shaman, you were claiming to know what resides in men's hearts and minds. 

Simply put, Oodweyne, the impudence of the buffoonery contained in your arguments are mindbogglingly surreal. :D



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2 hours ago, Duufaan said:

Nothing has changed my friend. Putland has been the problem, even some cases working with Somaliland.


Why is everyone from all corners piling up on Puntland? This is wrong approach to any problem existing around there.


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Suldaanka always looking secession legitimacy from Garaad Clan. So keep looking until you get tired then we will welcome you to Somalia one nation under God indivisible. 

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11 minutes ago, Peace Action said:

Suldaanka always looking secession legitimacy from Garaad Clan. So keep looking until you get tired then we will welcome you to Somalia one nation under God indivisible. 


The chances of Somalia ever returning to its pre 1991 days is almost next to zero. I wouldn't discount Allahs' plans, but from as far as humans can tell, it is as good as a dead. You can pray over a dead body for however you like, it won't be coming back. 

You need to swallow that bitter news. :D

With regards to the Garaad clan, as you can see things are going very well. I know you would rather wanted to see blood and mayhem in those regions. Beesha Garaadku waa idinku garatay. :D 

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Suldaanta, like I said to your fellow cretin-in-arms, Ina Cawil Mucjiso,  the impudence of the buffoonery contained in your remarks  are mindbogglingly surreal. 

No one that I know of on SOL advocates for or has ever advocated for the return to Pre 1991 Somalia. Anyone wanting that is as retarded as... well.. you! 😜

Somalia is now a federal republic with member states where locals manage their own local affairs and where only common national interest  such as defense, currency and foreign affairs shall be managed federally. This is very different from the pre-civil war days when a military’s junta ruled the nation with an iron fist.

Surely even you would discern the differences if you only stopped drooling on yourself long enough to think about it.

Finally, to your last foolish comments about the Dervishes,  I would like to reply with the Somali saying...“Tuug intaadan 'tuug' dhihin buu 'tuug' ku dhahaa” 

Marka Suldaanow, tuug tuug dhalay baad tahay...and like a child who hath absconded with some camels from the homestead, ya ain’t gone get far before someone drags you back  by the scruff of the😆


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I am sure you understood what I was referring to but the suuroda-ridden self of you have chosen to ignore the flesh of my point. Dhaw dhawda yu caduur hadalku ugu dhacaa...

True the systems may have changed in Somalia thus far, but that does not mean there is no possibility of it ever sliding back to military dictatorship. Sure enough, the Somali Republic of years between 1960 and 1969 gave the term, in the words of Abdi Samatar, "First Democrats of Africa".

Hence, the possibility is there, so do not discount a dictator making a comeback. 

But what will not come back and is as good as the extinct species are the borders that existed as of 1991. Those borders are as good as dodo.  

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7 hours ago, Suldaanka said:


I am sure you understood what I was referring to but the suuroda-ridden self of you have chosen to ignore the flesh of my point. Dhaw dhawda yu caduur hadalku ugu dhacaa...

True the systems may have changed in Somalia thus far, but that does not mean there is no possibility of it ever sliding back to military dictatorship. Sure enough, the Somali Republic of years between 1960 and 1969 gave the term, in the words of Abdi Samatar, "First Democrats of Africa".

Hence, the possibility is there, so do not discount a dictator making a comeback. 

But what will not come back and is as good as the extinct species are the borders that existed as of 1991. Those borders are as good as dodo.  

Waryaa, markii dooda kaa hoos baxdo, ninka ragga ahi waa inuu qiraa, and give credit where credit is due. Instead for rebuttal, you opted to foolishly attempt to predict the future— as if that is the purview of any one one man, let alone a not so bright chap like you.

As to the borders issue, Somalia has never had any nationally recognized borders. Somalia never recognized the so-called borders that the colonialist left behind, which is precisely why the Horn of Africa has remained a hotbed of destabilization and conflict.

Marka, Suldaanow, put aside your abject servility to the wishes of the former colonialists and learn to embrace your Soomaalinimo.

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