
President MBC says "Somalia's has declared war on Somaliland"

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Very emotionally charged speech, The union of 1960s was disaster for SL,BIG mistake,  and Somalis have committed a great crime against each other, where wounds have not yet healed.

A real reconciliation is needed among all Somalis,  where all crimes  are discussed and forgiven but never forgotten.


Baidoa folks ,are still here,  with over 350K starved to death.

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13 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

Very emotionally charged speech, The union of 1960s was disaster for SL,BIG mistake,  and Somalis have committed a great crime against each other, where wounds have not yet healed.

The colonialist that invaded our lands and separated our peoples into colonial fiefdoms was the real disaster. 


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5 hours ago, Holac said:

The colonialist that invaded our lands and separated our peoples into colonial fiefdoms was the real disaster. 

Well, there was never a united people or a country Somalis owned prior to the colonisation of our lands, so there is no reason to blame the Europeans for creating "fiefdoms". Indeed it was the European powers who united the clan fiefdoms which existed in the Somali territories for centuries and created what could be described as our first modern nations. The colonialists should be given credit for creating "Soomaalinimo" and "Soomaaliwayn" ideologies for these concepts were foreign to our ancestors as the white colonialists themselves. 

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7 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I do not think, the Americans will not  bypass the Somali government, but they might push quick union talks that could bring the Somali union faster.

That is a wishful thinking Mr Galbeedi. The Americans have been watching the Somali politics and society since our independence from the Europeans and they know very well that they do not possess a magic stick to coerce Somaliland into another unwanted union with koonfuria. They can forsee the instability and insecurity such a coerced union can bring to Somaliland and the dangers such instability and insecurity in Somaliland will pose for the American servicemen and women in the region. So the security experts at the Pentagon and the diplomats at the State Department are no doubt in agreement that an independent  Somaliland is much suitable for hosting a US military base than a Somaliland with an uneasy union with koonfuria.  

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No wonder if the so-called 'leader' and Feysal Dhurwaa speak like mööryaanimo, wixii qashinka lagu soo quudiye iyo lagu soo koriye see u hadli karaan waa iska garan kartaan on here.

To other Soomaalis in Soomaaliya, they are 'libaaxyo,' however to Xabashida, they amazingly suddenly turn to be tamed makulaalo, bowing in line-up, disgracefully. Hence:




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5 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

Well, there was never a united people or a country Somalis owned prior to the colonisation of our lands, so there is no reason to blame the Europeans for creating "fiefdoms". Indeed it was the European powers who united the clan fiefdoms which existed in the Somali territories for centuries and created what could be described as our first modern nations. The colonialists should be given credit for creating "Soomaalinimo" and "Soomaaliwayn" ideologies for these concepts were foreign to our ancestors as the white colonialists themselves. 

Tallaabo, it is hard to dismiss the impact and the devastation colonialism had on the psyche of the tribes that existed in the country before the Europeans. I disagree with the notion that the Europeans "united" or "civilized" as some like to say, our people.  We wouldn't be sitting here today arguing about borders close to Garowe if it wasn't for colonialism. Colonialism is the very reason Mr. Bihi is in Tukaraq strongly arguing the area belongs to "his country". It is the reason the people in the North felt they didn't get "their share" of the political pie in the 60s since they were already "a different country" before the union. Of course the Somalis had the misfortune of being subjected to one of the worst dictatorship Africa has ever seen, and with good leadership the fate of our people could have been a whole lot different, but at the end of the day, it is not easy to dismiss the hurt, the loss and the strong sense of barrier between the North and South as a result that legacy and subsequent events. 

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It is well known fact that Ex-Italian colony of Somalia was better off under the colonial regime. Both in terms of peace, economy and development. 

As Sheikh Abdirahman Bashir said in the below video, Djibouti was way better during the colonial times (Listen to where the video starts)

The only Somali region that boasts better now than during the British Protectorate is Somaliland. Again, Listen to Sheikh Abdirahman Bashir, a Djiboutian, talk about the unique aspects of Somaliland's developments.


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51 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:


It is well known fact that Ex-Italian colony of Somalia was better off under the colonial regime. Both in terms of peace, economy and development. 

As Sheikh Abdirahman Bashir said in the below video, Djibouti was way better during the colonial times (Listen to where the video starts)

The only Somali region that boasts better now than during the British Protectorate is Somaliland. Again, Listen to Sheikh Abdirahman Bashir, a Djiboutian, talk about the unique aspects of Somaliland's developments.


This creature now wants to claim that Somalis were better off living under the colonialists... this thing surely has no shame. Wow😆

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3 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

This creature now wants to claim that Somalis were better off living under the colonialists... this thing surely has no shame. Wow😆

I can go as far as saying It is now better off under AMISom Trusteeship than the warlord era. :D 

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23 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

I can go as far as saying It is now better off under AMISom Trusteeship than the warlord era. :D 

Caqli bur saliid waaxid, you have a point😆😆

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  According to the British writing about Darwiish wars, 1/3 of the Somali Pensylvania population and livestock was lost the during the 21 years the Darwish was fighting with British and another colonial. For the northern tribes who supported the movement 80% of population and livestock was lost. So they are just happy to be the British protected tribes. Do not complain, you get what you have, the beautiful nation of Somalia today. It did not come easy.

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1 hour ago, Duufaan said:

  According to the British writing about Darwiish wars, 1/3 of the Somali Pensylvania population and livestock was lost the during the 21 years the Darwish was fighting with British and another colonial. For the northern tribes who supported the movement 80% of population and livestock was lost. So they are just happy to be the British protected tribes. Do not complain, you get what you have, the beautiful nation of Somalia today. It did not come easy.

You pulled those figures out from your back side. I know the Darawish armed militia were destroyed in the battle fields and finally eliminate completely from the territory.  The civilian populations were not targeted. In fact, the Mad Mullah was the one that killed lots of unarmed civilians. Do not rape history. 

And yes, because of hands off policy the British Gov't administered Somaliland i.e. Somalilanders being highly suspicious of any development plans by the British Gov't., which in turn made the territory not developed. 

Hence, the reason why I say Somaliland is better off today than anytime before including during the il-fated union with Somalia from 1960s. 

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Muxuu Yidhi " Qiiro Taariikheed". 

This supposed to be a women's day. A day to celebrate women's achievements around the world. To point out their contribution to Somaliland or I thought. so

As the media shows, those Jeegaan women were crying at the end. 

" Waar Haweenkii maxaa ka oohiyey,? marka Madaxweynuhu ooyo maxaad ka rajaynaysaa dumarka". This one is  for the books.

I North American politics, there are people  whom we call chicken hawks (Trump, Ramsfield,  Dick Cheney and other republicans who dodged the Vietnam war). Men who never fought a war, yet screaming for war. This man reminds me of those. Former fighters said he was one of those who never involved real  war. He was usually behind  the  scene manipulating and concerned with food and logistics. Those who fought the war are either dead, in exile or unemployed. Hersi Gaab who never seen compact, even claimed ridding tanks. 

Now , let us concentrate the topic at hand. In terms of Djibouti, life went from bad to worse since independence. Now the whole country is belonged with few hundred families who are super rich and those who are connected with them. THere were no inflation and having a job, even if it was a waiter,  paid enough to sustain the family.

Djibouti can not afford to supply it's people even basing things like water or electricity. Your monthly salary might not cover the electric bill. poverty is spread out and due inflation and corruption, it became the most expensive island in the world.

On the other hand , the only group of people who had great advantage in terms development, commerce and government jobs from the Somali Republic were those from Hargeisa. 

Dawladii Kacaanku waxa ay dhistay labada Webi, Benaadir iyo Woqooyi Galbeed oo laga reebay galbeedka Hargeisa. Puntland were a ghost in late seventies and eighties. Central MUdug and Galgaduud never had seen any government development, so was Gedo, Bay and Bakool.

Reer Hargeisa and Burco were the only group of Somalis that were allowed to run a capitalist economy while  the country was supposedly to be a communist. In 1981, when they declared SNM, they were the richest group of Somalis who took advantage of the Somali state. IN fact, those who formed the SNM in the gulf were probably those who took advantage of the work visa given to Somalis after we joined the ARAB league. Among the 4000 visa offered , half went to Cumar Carte and his own sub clan. 

By 1980, almost every family in WEst Hargeisa had someone in Cuman, Qatar, Dubai and Riyadh.From 1978-1981, Hargeisa doubled in size. A third of the cabinet were from the Habro. THree men from east Burco alone were ministers (Siilaanyo, Ismaciil Cali Abokor, and Ahmed Hassan Muuse).

Does Hargeisa or Woqoyi Galbeed had more people than Bay, Bakool and Shabeele?, Of course not, but they had huge influence in the SRC  (Golihii SAre Ee Kacaanka).

Even today, Hargeisa is getting hundred of millions of aid while people have no water in SAnaag, Zaylac or Baki.The same people who got  that unfair advantage also are accusing the civilian government of the sixties by them treating unfairly . 

Besides,  The crying Biixi, a man who is presiding a government which are 90% of  one clan is calling others who were more just than himself.


Finally folks, the Somali nation and people are much bigger than the so called Hargeisa, Puntland and HAG communities in the South. Half of Mogadishu population is not from USC community. Millions are between Burco, Hiiraan , Bay, JUbba, Shabeele , Awdal and  Gedo. THe Jareen Wayne community alone started from the mouth of the Shabbelle river in Hiiraan all the way to Jamaame. The Bay community is in Mudug and in Puntland. 

Talk is cheap. I have to reach out to my friend MMA  and organize. REmove the power from the Corrupt HAG and The EVil " D" block and save this country.



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