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Richard Burton on somali women

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Ibti - *Blessed made a devastating comment a few pages back


Originally posted by *Blessed:

^Funny, that always seems to be the case. It's other peoples mothers, fathers, brothers, spouses, clans that are bad or whatever evil Somaalida laga sheego but never our own. No, ours are always the exception to the rule. And may the geel be praised.



Burton is an overrated pig.

I'm sure if we asked Saqajaanka wether his female relatives fall under Burton's description he would loudly claim - NO they do NOT - *Blessed basically destroyed this topic then and there


no need for further comment R.I.P

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Is this the same Burton who pretended to be a Muslim? Who went to Harar and Makka? Only to be caught by a blind man after shaking his hand and a geel jire who knew he took a pee standing up by simply looking at where he peed?



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Originally posted by Saqajaan:



Midgaan, Jareer, adoon, niger etc are just mere words. How you react to them is what gives them power. This world isn't an ideal place, learn to have a tough skin.


Calacaalka meel kale la aad badowyaho.

lol@badow, your came in the forum dissing Somali women and mothers, and to back it up you have a quote from a racist- scholar who wrote complete utter lies against Somali clans. Saxiib, if you want to chat to ladies , mala caytamo, that is what you called real badownimo! :D

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awalba saqajaanbaad ahayd. what makes your mom *top notch* and others *bad mothers* when she raised a saqajaan? ma inaad amaantay hooyadaa baad hada u qabtaa? loser baa tahay ee never ever insult a mother.

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^^^^^Qaadow! Ku duufo again.


BG, you got it wrong, if you want to chat to people [regardless of who] one needs to learn to behave and not talk trash. Make sure you tell em that icon_razz.gif

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It's criticism and pointing out facts, not insults. Learn the difference yarisay and don't be emotional.




I know the urge to play farax knight in shining armor is difficult to suppress. But know that no one was insulted here, just pointing out the fact that bad mothers are the reason somali kids have failed. Whatever richard burton was is neither here nor there, he made an observation and that observation remains to be true in some cases today.

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I see edited your comment in the looting Afrika thread, good lad, you might have some sense up there after all.


On a serious note;


saxiib, there is nothing to discuss here, really. Mr Burton made a racist outburst against Somali women, which is typical of white supremacists in those days, yet you as a Somali want to present an argument that says : Some Somali Mothers are generally good, oh yeah, but my mother was good. That's like saying Somali women are bad wifes, but, what the heck, my wife is good. Any dimwit child can come up with such a piece of nonsensical propoganda like that. If you want argue SOmali mothers are the cause of disfunctional families; bring some evidence, research, etc, mate, not some bull comment made a white-supremacist-!


Otherwise, if it is a competition to see who can make the most desperate sexual and other insults, then you win hands up:



saqajaan of the year 2008, we'll give you a badge and a nice green sticker,wlc to the forum!

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this Burton was beaten to almost death by the darwiish and taken to Aden after he said this shyte.


he was also a muslim pretender and got busted. he never showed up in somali after that incident.


dont believe every crap u read! use your head... as a human, thats why Allah blessed with brain.

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It's criticism and pointing out facts, not insults. Learn the difference yarisay and don't be emotional.

lol@saqajaan, tell it like it is son.

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