
Puntland melitia start vocating Buuro Wadal - Salary issues start to bite.

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DEG DEG: Warkii ugu culsaa oo hada kasoo dhacay deegaanka Tukaraq & Ciidamada Puntland Iyo Somaliland oo jiidaha hore..

March 7, 2018 | Filed under: Somali News | Posted by: Puntland News
Wararka Warsidaha uu haatan ka helayo deegaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan Puntland ay baneeyeen jiidaha hore ee deegaankaasi kadib markii saraakiisha hogaamisa ciidamadaasi ay sameeyeen gadood ciidan.
Ujeedka bixintaanka ciidamadani ayaa lagu sheegay gadood salka ku haya mushahar la’aan xoogan oo ay tabanayaan iyo sidoo kale in xukuumadda madaxweyne Gaas aysan weli cadayn mawqifkeeda hawlgalka xoreynta gobolka Sool isla markaasna ciidamadani oo ka kala yimid gobolka Bari ay dib ugu laabteen deegaanadii ay hore uga yimaadaan.
Sidoo kale wararku waxa ay intaasi kusii darayaan in ciidamadani si toos ah ugu amba baxeen deegaano ka tirsan gobolka Bari iyaga oo sii maray magaalada Garoowe si uu u xaqiijiyey mid kamid ah saraakiisha ciidamada Puntland. Gaadiidka ay wateen ciidamadani ka baxay jiidaha hore ee gobolka Sool ayaa waxaa lagu sheegay in ay gaadhiyeen ilaa 25 gaadhi oo nooca dagaalka ah.
Dhinaca kale wararka aan ka helayno degmada Boocame ee gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo kale oo ka tirsan Puntland ay ku biireen ciidamo ka tirsan Somaliland oo ku sugan deegaankaasi kadib markii ay ka goosteen ciidamadii ay hore uga tirsanaayeen ee Puntland. Weli ma cada ujeedada ka dambaysa goosashada ciidamadani, waxaase xusid mudan in soo dhoweyn balaadhan ay kala kulmeen ciidamadani saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland oo ku sugan deegaanka Boocame ee gobolka Sool.
Wixii kusoo kordha wararkaasi kala soco

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It doesn't look good on you this part. Military strategist and propagandist.

BTW don't count your eggs before they are hatched. I would not expect or want for Puntland to fight at this time for this or that village either.

If there is a fight must be in an unavoidable case, not something done by choice. If unacoidable then we will see what happens.


Puntlands main focus is now the direction of Somalia and Puntlands place in it. A village here a village there may look like Puntland is weak, for the uninitiated, but it can take Puntland off truck.

Would it be fair if someone accused you of being in secret agreement with those that want Puntland to disappear as one of the  centres of power in Somalia, or even extreme case Shabab and ICU? Are you looking at it from military stand point only? Why do you want to attack at this time?

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