
This is how you destroy "Niic'da reer Koonfurka..."

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Our deluded Southerners try to mix so many unrelated issues and try to make a point out of it.

Their favourite themes include:

1. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed .... listen to any TV interview and they will repeat a million times about Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Isn't this shacab the same one that is being sandwiched between AMISom Rapists, Alshabab terrorist and clan warlords? 

2. Ethiopia - They talk about Ethiopia as something that is particularly interested in annexing Somaliland. Come on. There has never been a dispute between Somaliland and Ethiopia. The borders between two countries are internationally damarcated and known and there was never an issue about it. On the contrary, we know the border dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia which existed for aged. In fact, the border between the two sides is not agreed on and whoever has more power can move that border where they want it anytime. 

3. They talk about Emirates Military base. They forget about the Turkish, American, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Ugandan, Burundi, Sera Leon, Djibouti military who are based on Southern Somalia. 

4. They point out about DP World managing Berbera... but they never tell you about how they handed over Mogadishu Port to Turkish unknown operator for 25 years. We never know what the agreement looks like. 

5. They talk about, Unity. And they can not even unite their backyard. 


If only they would look hard at themselves in the mirror before they talk from the behind.

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No it is not. Shacabka soomaaliyeed macal somaliland bah ku jira. Dawlada xamar claim to be representing soomaalida ku nool labadii is raacay. Secondly, it's not necessary to state the the obvious with arrogance and condescending tone. Amisom Rapist? Why go there? 

I started my post with the statement "Our deluded Southerners try to mix so many unrelated issues and try to make a point out of it." and ended with the statement "If only they would look hard at themselves in the mirror before they talk from the behind"

Those statements carry my point, which was the Southerners are so quick to raise all the above mentioned issues and try to score a point.

While Somalilanders are only refuting it with real hard facts on the ground to counter the childish behaviours. It is not only their TV personalities, we have the likes of @Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaarwho talks out of his backend without even thinking about what is the situation in his own backyard. 

At least, if they start with their own situation and how hopeless it is and then say, we are only affraid you will end up like we are. That is understandable and it will have a different kind of response since we do not need to remind their situation. You get my point. :D

11 minutes ago, Ducale said:

The gist of his comment is....ethiopia ayaa gacan saraysa and since they own a share, whats stopping them from binging small military unit?  Simply by using the terrorist and piracy excuse, ethiopia can demand to protect (or help protect) the waters. 

We can talk about 100 different hypothetical questions none of which may or not become true. So instead of wasting time on that,  lets focus veritable and real facts on the ground. 



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23 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

Shacabka Soomaaliyeed .... listen to any TV interview and they will repeat a million times about Shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Isn't this shacab the same one that is being sandwiched between AMISom Rapists, Alshabab terrorist and clan warlords? 

"Shacabka Soomasliyeed" are also those who decided to take Somaliland back from Mogadishu, elect their leaders, and sign business deals with international companies and sovereign states. So one should ask the residents of Villa AMISOM which "shacab Soomaaliyeed" are they referring to in their boring press conferences and TV interviews? 

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