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I Miss The Good Old Days.

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^Now thats what I call being cornered into a wall.. :D I am sure they do,and will stir clear of women that expects too much. redface.gif

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


hadii qalbi saafi ah oo kaliya uun lahayo kawaran!Ma laha agtaada lama soo marayo????

'qalbi saafi' alone will get you a kick in the teeth, addeer :D . I'm used to having genorous men in my life. I have to watch myself around them and not mention things I like or want because if they know they'd go out and buy it for me.


Af-qalalan = xuud slash qori-lacag icon_razz.gif . Shoot. You can fix ugly, but you can't fix nin qalbiga fakhri ka ah. L0L. No amount of 'qalbi saafi' could seduce me. ;)

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You know, every corner farah baa kaa qaaliniyah about money and paying for dinner. Siidian sii maah. :rolleyes:


As for the good old days, I'm sure the girls would much rather have those days back too; low-riding jeans, being woof-whistled at, as well as countless other current "fashionable" offensive behaviour would've earned you a few broken teeth in the good old days. Don't even get me started on the standard and quality of the old G's. :D

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Waxaan moodayay JWXO' du inay dhankaa ka roontahaye, inana ma qolyihii "durba inaad xariif tahay, deeqsi iyo nin (hura lacagata) tahay" qaadi jiraybaan ku biirnay?????

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Faan weynaa ,,,,,,,

Waan filaayey inaad il adeegaa aad la imaan doonto maalintaad C.I.D inaad noqoto go'aansatay...sababtoo ah nin oday ah oo ku dhali kara ayaad been baad sheegeysaa ku oraneysaa! Waar hana ceebeyn dee waa kusidee adigu? lol



Ms Kibongo: BOB,stop being stingy man,keep up with times[aka Jones]..

Do you think I would've paid 100 she-camels to the missus' family if I was stingy? smile.gif



Biyo-Lily: Well Bob, everybody likes gifts and small tokens but there is something perversely wrong about trying to buy a woman's affection, it shows insecurity and can make one uncomfortable, obliged and at worst insulted. Generosity is not limited to money.

I know that everybody likes to be showered with gifts every now and then and that's normal as far as I'm concerned but what would happen if I mistake your generosity for stupidhity?


^^^and about buying a woman's affection is something that you'd normally associate with guys from out of town in other words G’s ama Dhooros because they don't know what on earth they would talk about with Abaayo Heeleey who likes to discuss about the latest Hindi movie and its intriguing plot (like Indian movies actually ever had one) and I totally agree with you about the insecurity...girls dig confident guy but one mustn't over do the confidence thing to an extent that it becomes unattractive quality and could easily be seen as an arrogance and my old man warned me about that as he said..Arrogance Breeds Ignorance and yeah generosity has no limits because Faarax wears his heart on his full of badges macawiis and there's nothing more precious than being lent to one's heart


PS. Good to see you again Walaashiis.



Mukulaal-Qaboow: There is a fine line between being kind and being doqon dee...Haduusan kala garan karin in la daldalnaayo iyo in kale, ee udaa hee hala'iska daldalshee...

Allah xaasidsanaa tan...waraa do you even know what the poor Faarax goes through to get that money? multiple ID holder, feigning injuries so he could get the insurance pay him...qaar aa xittaa joqofeey mar hore bogsatay bir ku duro oo dhiig ka keeno si lacag loo siiyo. :confused:



Masheekadaas baa keentay: Wax xadoow aa, biloow ani wax iga xad biri? Maxaase rabtay, in koo i sixrado aan keensadaa? Reer xamar wilibo nooca caano booraha iyo barafka lagusoo koriyay aanba ka heli jiray...Sharing a cone of vanilla ice cream beats the manly man you descriped anyday for me...Afka wiliba haduu iisii galgalsho kaba sii daran...


Ar idaa waayo waayo aa xasuusanooyaa...

Allah maxee is faanisay...maxaa lagaa xadaa aa qabtaa...haye sheekadii reer xamarka maa ii billoowday iyo inaa isfaaniso? sixir aa? Af Caytamo Bilcaantiisuu Ku Yaalaa...I ffel sorry for the gabdhaha reer xamarka sababtoo ah dhallinyaro kuma dhicin...waa ka aradanyihii dhankaas. :D



F'a niji aaw liooway...fa' Luzu iyo fa' lake aa la rabtay daha xawgaas ramkii Sikyaamo Daceey la gato aa bid ool rabanaa Insha Allah. smile.gif



SOL Bully: You know, every corner farah baa kaa qaaliniyah about money and paying for dinner. Siidian sii maah.


As for the good old days, I'm sure the girls would much rather have those days back too; low-riding jeans, being woof-whistled at, as well as countless other current "fashionable" offensive behaviour would've earned you a few broken teeth in the good old days. Don't even get me started on the standard and quality of the old G's.

Af Soomaaligaa idilay...If language could talk...the Somali language would've sued you for merciless


Before you make a quick dash for my throat and squeeze the little life out of me please let me explain...I can never ever make a case for a Faarax as long as Somalia remains the situation that it finds itself in today and there's nothing that I dislike more than the guys who wolf whistle at the ladies...I would beat the living daylight out of any guy I find doing that to my daughter...Am I being a hypocrite here? b


I don't know...I may have done it in my adolescence years and I did it maybe because I didn't know better but these days you'd find grown men doing it whish is SHAMEFUL because they can't say they were young..uh-uh they are fact they are too old for such monkey business.


Sorry uh-uh...I wasn't referring to a boy who bought casho for the girl that he had a crush on with his pocket money, fact far from it...


my point of this whole topic is purely to re-build the bridges between the brothers & sisters and I don't know if its only me or you guys feel the same way...I feel like we don't trust each other anymore and all we do is point the finger at each other which I find childish to be honest...


Faaraxoow...Dameer aan laga Dameersaneyn...wax aan kugu difaaco ma hayo wallee...qof la difaaci karana ma tihid oo meel walba raadkaagaa us all a favour and disappear from the face of the earth or even better...go to Addis Ababa where they like having your likes around...Daba-Qoodhi fowqal Daba-Qoodhi.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Abtigiis;I can just imagine the body language too,while you ask that question.. :D



BOB,do you think this mistrust steams from our overexposure to mishaps in relationships..I mean,its rare you hear of good marriages or relationships in the community.This causes everybody to be on the edge,expect worse rather then the opposite of each other..hmmm

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Is that a confirmation you know who he refers to by Mrs kibongo? the name triggers thoughts of kiny hair and i don't like it. It is Bantu name, yes?

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Allah xaasidsanaa tan...waraa do you even know what the poor Faarax goes through to get that money? multiple ID holder, feigning injuries so he could get the insurance pay him...
qaar aa xittaa joqofeey mar hore bogsatay bir ku duro oo dhiig ka keeno si lacag loo siiyo.

Ba'nay ba'nay! :eek: War iga tag, adi naftirkaa maxaa waxaan dhan kubaray? Iyaah, marhoraan sheekadaan soo qararamsaday dheh? Tuug la qabtay talo maleh...


Allah maxee is faanisay...maxaa lagaa xadaa aa qabtaa...haye sheekadii reer xamarka maa ii billoowday iyo inaa isfaaniso? sixir aa? Af Caytamo Bilcaantiisuu Ku Yaalaa...I ffel sorry for the gabdhaha reer xamarka sababtoo ah dhallinyaro kuma dhicin...waa ka aradanyihii dhankaas.

Maxaa faan eh, laba kumi iyo taano inaa heysto maa ii diidee hadana? Bilcaan? Ee maa dhaadhaan iigu wacdid hee marka? icon_razz.gif Fiiri, ani waakuu sheegay, kuwaa ka arkay oo reer Kismaayo xabad fiyoow maleh!!! Reer Xamarkeyga aa jug iyo mac igu ahaan lahaa, laakiin koo reer Buulobardo ah oo suu wabi ugu dhexjiray guduutay, aa dhexda iga dafay... :D


Aawna i beeceysay, ees uk li'oowi raktaa faniji? redface.gifredface.gif Na'igoo ray aan rabtay, ilaa iyo dahana ma'li oobin, even though 17yrs ak oos qamnaa Loosaamiya...Luzu uk hey...Yi'aah...

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^Xanta waa la'iiga fiican yahay...Dad ku taqasusaa meesha buuxa...Iyagaan udaayay, not my specialty my dear ol' A&T...Have a save return hee...Ciao

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BOB, awoowe neKya first ak bidna I don't know. Aw oos cosdaa InshaAllah. Na'igaa uk os cawaaya when I get my ducks in a row.


Disa lake xash xash baba. Awoowe laawa neewaaday no more libcaan rubis. Ni'ta qashin macal ee u xuubaan. Yi'agaa raashka aak xeejayaa. Rashaf aa ak madhaatay. Jabaq SOL goojta ni'tee neegaa. C'mon BOB.


It should be noted that Majengo is no Sarengetti -- you won't risk lion attack goin fron duqush to duqush through kamiinada jaciinka :D Kulbiyoow or Badhaadhe or even Laheloow maybe but BOB ahem perhaps mistakes curi for lion :D Haha easy there.


Tell us something about your travels in the mother land. Angola, Moz, Zimbabwe how is it going down there. After the trip a post, if you could, about it would be much appreciated.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


Waxaan moodayay JWXO' du inay dhankaa ka roontahaye, inana ma qolyihii "durba inaad xariif tahay, deeqsi iyo nin (hura lacagata) tahay" qaadi jiraybaan ku biirnay?????

ahaha, :D , kuwaasina waa kuwama? malaha waa i dhaleen.. L0L.

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