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I Miss The Good Old Days.

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Salam Aleikum W.W



Welcome to my domain ladies and gentlemen and please be seated and let me tell you a story...



I was chatting with my old girl (my companion, my army of children's mother...the lady whom her parents made me pay 100 she-camels for her company) just the other night while sipping some Waarikow under the stars on a beautiful african night when we started discussing about the courtship of today's young people and I realized how hard they made it for themselves compared to us...


Today's courtship is a grueling contest where one is expected to buy expensive casho, flowers, chocolates, perfumes, lingerie, remembering birthdays, feminine day, masculine day,manicure day, pedicure day, hair extension day, waxing day and all the other silly dates that never meant anything to you and when the inevitable happens and the courtship ends as they usually will realize you spent fortune on monkey business and like the true sorry Faarax that you' start spreading sick lies about the girl and end violating her honour simply because she kicked your dusty behind that's only good at being a multiple employee on various companies around town to the curb.


These days its very expensive inaad bilcaan shukaansato and even more expensive to keep her unlike our good old days where one wasn't expected to treat her like she was your child (let the parents buy her what she needs)...but we used to sacrifice a lot just to have a glimpse of her...we'd walk miles in the predator infested jungle so we could hear her sweet voice...singing like an Angel in a dreamy voice that cause goose pumps to all over your body the minute you heard it...some times you would walk half the night to get to her and by the time you got there three quarters of the night has already elapsed and you never get disheartened...not at fact you blame it all on yourself and you make a promise to yourself that you'd walk faster tomorrow night so you'll get there while she's still awake...



We never had cell phones to send text messages to let her know that you're on your way and she should wait for you...we never had the privilege to send an e-mail or msn where you could basically tell her how you feel about her and perhaps even make her feel the same way about you (if you played your cards right)...the only time we interacted was when we met at dance gigs...yeah the folklore dance gigs where you had every single guy strutting his stuff and if you were not a good dancer or had a way with words then you had no chance with the Qalanjos...I guess that's why my generation were wordsmiths.


Countless guys lost their lives to the predators namely to the Lions walking in the jungle all alone in a pitch-dark night yet I still say we had it easy compared to these city-slickers who have not the slightest of clue how to attract a bilcaan without showering her their hard-earned cash...because to be honest you don't want to be a bilcaan who can't see beyond your wallet to begin with and the same goes for the ladies too.


These days when two young people meet...after few hours they declare to each other their unconditional 'Love' for each other and on third day they 'know' all about each other (if you know what I mean) and they get married with a lavish ceremony and spend all their life savings and on their first disagreement...BOOM they throw in the towel and head for the divorce courts simply because that union was doomed for the get go.



(Yawning) Mmmmhhh...Darn I haven't had enough sleep las night...I will come back when I'm bit fresher and the mind bit sharper and don't even bother asking me when that will be... :cool:



Peace, Love & Unity.

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BOB, sxb, salaan marka hore, that was good read,


sxb qaabkey isku shukaansan jireen xataa waxeed aheyd si advanced ah



Miidooy xagaan kuu soo maraa?

Muusoow muska ii soo jibaax

Miidooy bilaa qodaxi imudaa!

Muusoow Madeel(mindi) daabtan hayaa

Miidooy bilayn dhiigay qulqulyoo dhulkaa qabay!

Muusoow xareed maydhaan hayaa

Miidooy bilaa qoyaa oo qadhqadhaa!

Muusoow dab baan kuu soo balbalin

Miidoow bilaa dabku i diirin waa!

Muusoow bogaan boga kuugu qaban

Hooyaa hooyaa hadaan hoyaa smile.gif



Would come back for more, had to run now

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^Interesting read BOB.

Altho i could not get pass the Bilcaan bit.BOB couldnt you get better words from the somali language.EVerytime i hear that word, i have " Xeytahay waa Bilcaanee!" echoing in my head :mad:


Good to see your alive.

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^Everytime I hear/read the word 'bilcaan' waxaan maskaxdeyda soo gasho 'dhaadhaan'...Don't know why!!!


Today's courtship is a grueling contest where one is expected to buy expensive casho, flowers, chocolates, perfumes, lingerie, remembering birthdays,
feminine day, masculine day,manicure day, pedicure day, hair extension day, waxing day
and all the other silly dates that never meant anything to you and when the inevitable happens and the courtship ends as they usually are...

LOOOOOOOOOOL...Kuwaas definately waa iga dambeeyeen...Well should the men know that they should get what they give in return? If they keep giving and giving, that should rise a RED flag, no? Dee kaan arkina udaa hala gurtee sixii dhuxul bilaash lagu dhiibaayo... :D


Good ol' dayz indeed waaloo xiisay...Though aan arag wax meel libaax joogo isoo maro, still the fact that he used to take two or three buses and a train to get to me, while I waited excitedly at home was good enough...Mind you the two buses and train is just to get to me, then from there we'll go take the bus together to go out...How sweet and a waste of time! :mad: Sorry, but now that I think of it, couldn't we have met half way to save time? I guess the excitement of getting ready and waiting was all worth it... ;)

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Good old days are gone buddy. Welcome to the brave new world where men are judged by their trivial gestures like box of chocolate or branch of flower.


Hoheey dumarku, waa had iyo laayaan raggu ka hari waayee!


Hoheey dumarku, waa adoo haraadan biyo kuu hiraayee!


Waa kuwa halyeey ruma, n a c a s ka hormariyee!


M.N.Greek said so.

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These days its very expensive inaad bilcaan shukaansato and even more expensive to keep her unlike our good old days where one wasn't expected to treat her like she was your child (let the parents buy her what she needs).

Why shouldn't we be expensive? If it were the old days and you showed up for shukaansi with empty hands, would that have been acceptable? Back then a woman picked a man because he was seen as capable of providing for her and it was considered normal and ragga-nimo. Men were gentlemen not so *****y and cheap like the ones in our modern days. Women were showered with jewellery, and other gifts [guryaa loo dhisi jiray], adiga 'expensive waaye, flower ay rabtaa' aa la soo taagan tahay! Jiib-kaa tahay cun :D , ma shiixeesid, haye? Gabar af-qalalan la shukaansaday ebidkeed lama sheegin, sharci gaal iyo mid islaan toona ma'aha.


Rag, waa raggii aabaheeey wallee, iska daa!

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Originally posted by nuune:



Miidooy xagaan kuu soo maraa?

Muusoow muska ii soo jibaax

Miidooy bilaa qodaxi imudaa!

Muusoow Madeel(mindi) daabtan hayaa

Miidooy bilayn dhiigay qulqulyoo dhulkaa qabay!

Muusoow xareed maydhaan hayaa

Miidooy bilaa qoyaa oo qadhqadhaa!

Muusoow dab baan kuu soo balbalin

Miidoow bilaa dabku i diirin waa!

Muusoow bogaan boga kuugu qaban

Hooyaa hooyaa hadaan hoyaa

Salaan sare oo wanaagsan brother...thanks for the classic tixda.



Buuxo: couldnt you get better words from the somali language

Come on know inuu carabka muruq iga galaayo hadaan dhaho Dumar,Haween or Hablo.. smile.gif



Mukulaal-Qaboow: Well should the men know that they should get what they give in return? If they keep giving and giving, that should rise a RED flag, no? Dee kaan arkina udaa hala gurtee sixii dhuxul bilaash lagu dhiibaayo...

Some men expect the favour to be returned and some don't but I don't have a problem giving money to a girl what I do have a problem is when a girl starts mistaking your kindness for a weakness which always seems to be the case.



Good ol' dayz indeed waaloo xiisay...Though aan arag wax meel libaax joogo isoo maro, still the fact that he used to take two or three buses and a train to get to me, while I waited excitedly at home was good enough...Mind you the two buses and train is just to get to me, then from there we'll go take the bus together to go out...How sweet and a waste of time! Sorry, but now that I think of it, couldn't we have met half way to save time? I guess the excitement of getting ready and waiting was all worth it...

Maxaa meel Libaax joogo laguu soo maraa...adiga yaa ku dhahay reer Xamar shukaanso? kuwaas adiga maka quusatid miyaa? Libaax iska dhaafee xittaa dooro ilmo wadato oo kugu soo duuftay kaama celin karaan reer xamar...teeda kale nin bus iyo train sii raacay hadana soo raacay aa ii faaninee...I bet he even paid the full fare...mid aan xittaa train ku dhuuman karin ama bus ku daba dhagi karin aa belaayo iiga dhigee...tellhim to do something manly for a change, like starting a brawl and getting beat like he was a car in the scrap-yardor tell him to steal something from the neighbourhood the car stereo or better...the tryres. :D



Good old days are gone buddy. Welcome to the brave new world where men are judged by their trivial gestures like box of chocolate or branch of flower.

If I didn't know better I would've accused you of going modern on me but since you're yicaal Rafnajo i know ni'aa bagdhahaan sheemta goojo niji ku diro aa bartaa,Macoo kushulaato yio Lajaato ramkaan udagaayo yicaal yimaa yiada? dawankaan aan goojo dahaa deeg soogo ma'a naal aa bajiso aaw lagi rixaa ramka dahee buax barto yiada sahoo dagato ma'a yiada sahoo soogato dahii la rixana qasho muka hili.



PS. Lateefanka dahaan baqan yaawo dawanka am gooji yaawe camnaha...Angola ni'aan daao aan baraa kaaliin nash rebi neel gaxa rijaa dahana aaw soo qononaa Insha Allah.





Abaaydeey Caraweelo: Why shouldn't we be expensive? If it were the old days and you showed up for shukaansi with empty hands, would that have been acceptable? Back then a woman picked a man because he was seen as capable of providing for her and it was considered normal and ragga-nimo. Men were gentlemen not so *****y and cheap like the ones in our modern days. Women were showered with jewellery, and other gifts [guryaa loo dhisi jiray], adiga 'expensive waaye, flower ay rabtaa' aa la soo taagan tahay! Jiib-kaa tahay cun , ma shiixeesid, haye? Gabar af-qalalan la shukaansaday ebidkeed lama sheegin, sharci gaal iyo mid islaan toona ma'aha.

I don't have a problem with you ladies being Qaali and all fact I prefer classy girls but what I do have a problem with is when a girl makes ridiculous demands just because she saw her fav. actor/actress making oneon TV or she read it in a book written by her fav. author...let's be honest here today's women are influenced by TV and Magazines hence their unreasonable demands that they comeup with every now and then and I would hate to be with a girl who has an eye on my financial status and the other eye on the TV...and yes the ladies from yester year chose their companion for what he was and not what he had...most beautifulgirls would end up marrying a mere herder after turning down to marry his boss with thousands of life-stock...and yes gabdhaha waqtigaas jiray waxey ka karti badnaayeen kana shaqo badnaayeen ragga maanta jira badidood including yours truly here but they were not interested in money or social status unlike their counterparts in modern times...for example my Hooyo's meher was a set of gold (Ok they were Cousins but so what...she had a right to ask for more) and I'm sure there were many Hooyos who have asked for far more less but do you honestly think a girl would get married today without Loui Vittone bags,latest bling from Tiffany's etc...I am not saying it's impossible to find but we both know that's its rare...and the meher?oh my God...some will even ask you for $100,000 as their meher...are you kidding me?



Rag, waa raggii aabaheeey wallee, iska daa!

I totally agree because in those days there were no Gold-Diggers. :D



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Dee yaa kaba hadlee qalbi iyo jecely meeshanu business transaction lee lagaa hadhleyaa.. :D:D


BOB,stop being stingy man,keep up with times[aka Jones].. icon_razz.gif

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Well Bob, everybody likes gifts and small tokens but there is something perversely wrong about trying to buy a woman's affection, it shows insecurity and can make one uncomfortable, obliged and at worst insulted. Generosity is not limited to money.

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Some men expect the favour to be returned and some don't but I don't have a problem giving money to a girl what I do have a problem is when a girl starts mistaking your kindness for a weakness which always seems to be the case.

There is a fine line between being kind and being doqon dee...Haduusan kala garan karin in la daldalnaayo iyo in kale, ee udaa hee hala'iska daldalshee... :D


Maxaa meel Libaax joogo laguu soo maraa...adiga yaa ku dhahay reer Xamar shukaanso? kuwaas adiga maka quusatid miyaa? Libaax iska dhaafee xittaa dooro ilmo wadato oo kugu soo duuftay kaama celin karaan reer xamar...teeda kale nin bus iyo train sii raacay hadana soo raacay aa ii faaninee...I bet he even paid the full fare...mid aan xittaa train ku dhuuman karin ama bus ku daba dhagi karin aa belaayo iiga dhigee...tellhim to do something manly for a change, like starting a brawl and getting beat like he was a car in the scrap-yardor tell him to steal something from the neighbourhood the car stereo or better...the tryres

Masheekadaas baa keentay: Wax xadoow aa, biloow ani wax iga xad biri? Maxaase rabtay, in koo i sixrado aan keensadaa? icon_razz.gif Reer xamar wilibo nooca caano booraha iyo barafka lagusoo koriyay aanba ka heli jiray...Sharing a cone of vanilla ice cream beats the manly man you descriped anyday for me...Afka wiliba haduu iisii galgalsho kaba sii daran...


Ar idaa waayo waayo aa xasuusanooyaa...


Oo laakay, na'iga fa'nijigaa iigu naafi rijtay xawgaan aa sheemta uk oos roqday yimaa? Raw gana leexo, xaw labaayo ka cadhtay baa'a si kaga eeg gidhtee...Yamee fa'niji racabi he naa qa'aan...Geeshow uk canay! Raa'ant uuy ath kuly now, going ut na'looga...Faaha fees rasaf nad fees rafas kaab ut your lafimi...


How's that for afni'ji English style? LOL

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Then, me and some friends I know-Impecunious as we are;way noo dhamaatay! perhaps, it is time we wake up to the realities of love in a modern world, tighten our belts and try to make a fortune.


Nephtys said it all: af af-qalalan yaan la isula iman.

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LOL@tighten your belts,maa hadaa soo bararugeeysan?..saying that its no new phenomenal,even in the old days a woman would expect to be showered with gifts.. smile.gif

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