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Emails show UAE-linked effort against Tillerson

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Major Trump fundraiser and UAE-linked businessman Elliott Broidy met US President Donald Trump in October 2017 and urged him to sack Mr Tillerson, the emails reveal.

In other emails, he calls the top US diplomat "a tower of Jello", "weak" and says he "needs to be slammed".


Sources familiar with the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US election and possible links between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, tell the BBC that Mr Nader has become a person of interest and has been questioned in recent weeks.



investigators questioned Mr Nader and other witnesses on whether there were any efforts by the Emiratis to buy political influence by directing money to Mr Trump's presidential campaign, according to a New York Times report.


Mr Broidy also detailed a separate sit-down with Mr Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, according to the emails.

After Mr Broidy criticised Qatar extensively to Mr Kushner, "Jared's demeanour was very passive and pleasant but he seemed to not want to engage on this issue," he wrote to Mr Nader.

Kushner Companies - owned by the family of Jared Kushner - is reported to have in April 2017 sought financing from Qatar for its flagship property at 666 5th Avenue, New York.

However, Mr Kushner has maintained that he has had no role in his family's business since joining the White House last year.


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I think the tiny desert country is biting off more than they can chew,  UAE corruption everywhere , SENAGAL< ALGERIA< ETHIOPIA< DJIBOUTI< YEMEN< SOMALIA< PAKISTAN< LIBYA<QATAR<USA. and more!



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 Money has really got into the head of these Bedewin and the white man has become poor and corrupt.

Everybody can buy war now. You buy a general and ask him to lob few missiles or create some incident and you can buy services of some to make it world issue.

You can buy representatives at UN and pass terrorism or call for negotiations.

This has been going on in US Ethiopia relations:

There is a bill in Congress that dies and rises as warning stick.

American ambassador also acting same as the one in Ukraine.


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Just now, maakhiri1 said:

I think the tiny desert country is biting off more than they can chew,  UAE corruption everywhere , SENAGAL< ALGERIA< ETHIOPIA< DJIBOUTI< YEMEN< SOMALIA< PAKISTAN< LIBYA<QATAR<USA. and more!



They have more than 180 retired and young retired ex CIA and MI6 in a airport camp of their own.

How do you and I know that the Bedewin can not chew..

You can by any official in Britain or America and manufacture something on Pakistan, Ethiopia..etc

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The man white men [USA/Western Europe] are not poor and corrupt. It is  Bedouins that don't understand politics. If you want  to influence American politics, study AIPAC or NRA. Money comes and goes.

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AIPAC is a long way it takes 50-70 years to do.

Universities, medical fields, technology fields, law and long way for Bedewin. No chance for something like that.


Here its pay as needed service. Use the empire and also use small empires. AIPAC is takeover the whole shindig/empire.


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1 minute ago, Old_Observer said:

AIPAC is a long way it takes 50-70 years to do.

Universities, medical fields, technology fields, law and lawyers..very long way for Bedewin. No chance for something like that.


Here its pay as needed service. Use the empire and also use small empires. AIPAC is takeover the whole shindig/empire.




Very true, influence takes time, they want buy everything now! They will be black sheep.

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58 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

YEAH, I think they going to fail BIG. 

Iran and what ever happens with Iran is the only thing UAE high risk. The rest is all manageable. If anything goes wrong on that one UAE is gone and all the Bedewin will have to buy an island or operate from London.


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Influence in America is at the local level meaning it depends how well organized local constituents are. A well organized Cuban expats played pivotal role in how America dealt with Cuba. That's because if you need to win Florida where majority of Cuban-Americans live, you need their vote.

Jews in America are very well organized, wealthy and vote as a block, No Arab from the Gulf  no matter how wealthy can match their influence.

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6 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

waw, UAE leaders must be shitting on pants now

Spot on.

And to make matters worst, this is gathering steam so fast in America. White house already in shambles with resignation and conflict among staff.

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