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NO porn watching in mogadishu ..:)

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Who said they were watching "porn" videos?


Isn't a mouthpiece of this so-called maxkamadaha.


"Wadaado" kuwaan kahor been maalin walba dadka marsiinaayo kuwaan kahor ma arkin. Maba xishoodaan.


Other local webnews are reporting waxee xireen meelaha aflaanta [filimada] Hindida lagu fiirsan jiray. The last time I knew, Hindi movies didn't even had lip-to-lip kissing, let alone wax kale.


They never liked any meel lagu fiirsado fiidiyo, be it a Ciyaaraha Adduunka game or a filin Hindi.


In their rigid interpretation of Islaam, they are primarily against the mixing of boys and girls, let alone men and women. Secondly, antyhing that has to do with TV waa mamnuuc before their eyes.


This is the beginning. Yaaba is gaaray.


They are also forcefully shaving young men's timo whom they deem to be not fit enough their ideology.


They also already started threatening those who wanted to participate Istunka, thus effectively insuing a banning. Istunka has yet to take, which usually took place in the middle of Luulyo [July].


Ar yaaba is gaaray indeed.

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Many people in Somalia go to the cinema to watch the same movies as those in Cinemas in London, Toronto and New York.


Does watching the average movie with the usual man & woman scenario viewed as the 'love interest' mean i would be guilty of watching a porn flick?


I have some reservations about this issue

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These Wadaads are being very pathetic. They have whole cities at their feet and they choose to pick wars (and get media attention) on trivial issues like films and public entertainment. What about creating jobs? Salvaging the economy? Strengthening the security? Building infrastructure? Restoring education? Creating health-care facilities? Grrrr!


Why don’t they air something worthwhile for me to read instead of this never ending public executions and shutting down of entertainment!

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No religious party worth its salt (no matter the religion) would give up the chance to march people to heaven in chains.


My suspicion is that these are growing pains and part of a plan to show people the upper hand in the absence of a huge army. I'm also suspicious of some of these being rumours to undermine the courts by die-hard tribal interests.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


Waryaa kaa caraysiiyey!


Fighting indecency is part of your faith. You may not like Courts’ heavy-handedness style, but you can’t argue against putting stop on this culturally/religiously improper material. It’s a common sense.

NGONGE, Somalia does have digital receivers and satellite dishes but that hardly deems Courts’ anti-indecency activity ineffective or futile.

The media and some fellows described it as Islamic militias "ban" the world cup..It wasn't the world cup they were against, it was these kind of films.

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Originally posted by Amelia:

These Wadaads are being very pathetic. They have whole cities at their feet and they choose to pick wars (and get media attention) on trivial issues like films and public entertainment. What about creating jobs? Salvaging the economy? Strengthening the security? Building infrastructure? Restoring education? Creating health-care facilities? Grrrr!


Why don’t they air something worthwhile for me to read instead of this never ending public executions and shutting down of entertainment!

When a movement sweeps to power and receives the support of the masses in such an rapturous way, it stands to reason that, from time to time, they’ll need to broadcast a new victory to show their supporters that they’re still ‘keeping it real’ as it were.

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I dont see whats victorious about shutting down cinemas/film centres or even catching a few guys watching porn. That seems really small-minded to me. There are bigger issues to deal with, wouldnt u say so Mr.NG.

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Who said the UIC arent dealing with bigger issues. What do you call the peace process in khartoum? What do you call setting up the safety of the city and maxaakims? What do you call cleaning up and opening the ports and airports? People lets stop the nac nac and talk real...this is a city that was HOPE-LESS dictated by warlords and people paying ISBAARO all day.


No one is giving the maxaakim their probs that they got rid of those blood hungry warlords that was stabbing somalia over and over again.


No one is talking about how they got rid of the isbaaro' and ensure safety for common people to do their business


Everyone is criticing them for stoping indecency and immoral stuff. And if one person from the maxaakim ( who are ordinary people living in the city) tries to stop someone from doing something bad it is the MAXAAKIM doing taliban style regime!


GUILTY BEFORE INNOCENCE - it is clear everyone was pointing a finger at them before they even got a chance to proof themselves.


I Think 15 years of hate has dried up our heart! please ask allah forgiveness.

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Salam Caleykum W.W to all of you...


I don't wish to judge anybody here but i would like to remind you a hadeeth in which our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w adviced us "If you haven't got anything pleasant to say, say nothing at all".


May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah.




Peace,Love & Unity.

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Maxkamadaha islaamiga oo soo qabqabtay kooxo daawanayey aflaanta anshaxa xun ee Sex-ka loo yaqaan.


July 19, 2006 Markacadeey.





Ciidanka maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere ayaa xalay hawl gal ay ka fuliyeen deegaanka Siinaay waxa ay ku soo qab qabteen ilaa 9 qof oo daawanayay film anshaxumo ah oo ka dhan akhlaaqda islaamka.


Guddoomiyaha maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere Sheekh Daahir Sheekhow Faarax oo ka hadlay hawl galladaasi ayaa sheegay 9kan qof oo 8 ka mid ah ay ahaayeen rag iyo ruuxa 9aad oo dumar ah in lagu soo qab qabtay hawl gal ciidamada maxaakimta ay ka fuliyeen shineemo ku taallay agagaarka Siinaay oo lagu daawanayay film anshaxumo ah (Sex-ka loo yaqaano), taasi oo ka soo horjeeda sharafka suuban ee islaamka.




Sheekh Daahir ayaa intaa ku daray in dadkan loo tiigsan doono waxa shareecada islaamka ay ka qabto falkii lagu soo qabtay, isaga oo xusay in maxkamada ay albaabada u laabeen ilaa 3 goobood oo lagu daawado aflaam fasahaadinaysa akhlaaqda umadda islaamka.




Hawl galladan ay fuliyeen ciidanka maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere ayaa qeyb ka ah hawl gallo ciidamada golaha maxaakimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho si loo sugo amniga magaalada isla mar ahaantaana looga hortago falalka anshaxumada ah ee ka dhanka ah diinta islaamka.


Maxamed Carab

Xafiiska Markcadeey ee Muqdisho

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