
How come Jeeganland is servile to Djibouti but attacks Somalia gov?

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In policy Djibouti and Somali gov both have the policy of no recognition for Jeeganland however Jeeganland politicians usually attack Somalia gov only. This apparent case became clear to non Jeeganland politicians of Somaliland such as Faysal Ali Waraabe, Qabo and Nacnac in recent weeks.



Xildhibaan Nacnac oo wasiiro & Safiiro ay Kornayl Muuse Biixi isku beel yihiin & Jabuuti karbaashey








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Dowladda dhexe Soomaaliya madaxda ku jirto uma jawaabaan cawaanta sida duqaas Waraabe la dhaho because waala kala xishood badanyahay, also because waa loo samraa. Also ceeb weyn waaye rag inay meelaha soo istaagaan sidii dhoocilaha camal u hadlaan oo ay moodaan inay xiniinyo leeyihiin. Waxaas camal jawaab ma istaahilaan.

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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1 hour ago, Ducale said:

Hadalka yar ee diciifka ah ..."xididnimadu yaaney idin qaadin".... waa laga fiicanyay. Jabuuti iyadoon "xidinimadu sheegayo jirin" ayey aheed foundationka snm ku fadhiyay.  jibuuti has a  vested interest in somaliland not only for  the reer jabuuti isaq clan that live there but also the country. Xukunka sl masuliyada hadii jabuuti lagala leeyay  it's still kosher. 

A choice between walaweyn and yaakhii, yaakhii will always win. Xididada hoose ee jabuti iyo soomaaliland isku xidha, qabyaalad iyo siyaasad ka weyn. 


I will even go as far as to say,... if there is the slightest glimpse of a chance of reuniting with the south, Djibouti should annex/ ha goo'sato ilaa iyo geerisa. 




Djibouti is a dictatorship ruled by IOG with 50% of the people living in poverty there.  Somalia is much better.


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6 hours ago, Saalax said:



Djibouti is a dictatorship ruled by IOG with 50% of the people living in poverty there.  Somalia is much better.


Very sad understanding. Somalia is better than who? I do not have to put down Somalia to show that you are wrong.

Where did you get your numbers?

This is called one who doesn't have a donkey denigrates the mule/horse.

If I may, its always better to evaluate something on its merit, rather than comparing especially when you have nil/zero information when you say 50% or 1%.

As far as Somaliland and Djibouti. You can totally ignore that half the population of Djibouti and all population of Somaliland except the Ethiopians in both lol, are same Ethnic.

1. Neighbors

2. A lot of population overlap especially business people

3. Fiercely competition in many fields business even telecomunications

4. Competing for same market/customer Ethiopia

5. Competing same supplier UAE in past up to now

Guelleh does not have illusions, deals with real things.


He is not afraid to do confederation with Ethiopia, Somaliland, Djibouti if he finds out that will work for the Don and the street overlooking his palace. He might even add Puntland and then not much to do, but cussing.Kick Bedewin from horn of Africa and bring the chinese. How about that?


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