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Deeq A.

Lessons You Can Learn In “Inside Story” About Somaliland Poetry

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Deeq A.   


Mr. Abdillahi Mohaud-Qarshe- was the father of Somaliland traditional classical music. Abdi Deqsi Warfa- (Abdi-Sinnimo), was the father of Somaliland Ballad songs namely “The Balwo Music”.

Mr. Hussein Aw Farah and Mohammed Omar Huryo, were the best authors of Somaliland lyric songs in poetry literature, whereas Mr. Ali Sugulle and Hassan Sh. Mumin were among the best playwrights of our home literature. All of them are deceased.

As a critical reader, you can learn some lesson about the logistical approach of theme information organized.

For instance in constructing from abstract image to a concrete picture, about the song called “The Real Love” (Ki dhad ah Jacayl), Hussein aw Farah wrote thus;

“Roofs are the basic pillars of all trees, likewise a real life, never, would fall down but would stand still forever!

“Trees have trunk various and big strong branches, that firmly help to sing and dance in the sky! Thus, a real love, would rotate on it’s own axis, by being standstill forever!

(This is first among several tit-bits of traditional folk literal items to be availed by the author)

“The target goal of a real love, is to marry each other cementing partnership of real life, and bear babies as parents.”

By Dahir Mohamoud Hadi

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