
Puntland melitia storm Gov't offices due to unpaid salary

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Puntland Ciidamo ka gadoodsan Mushahar la,aan oo la wareegay xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyada iyo Bankiga..

Ciidamo ka mid ah kuwa Birmadka Puntland ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay la wareegeen xarunta Bankiga Magaalada Qardho iyo Xarunta Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee Magaaladaasi.

Ciidamadan ayaa ka gadoodsan arrimo la xiriira Mushaaraad dhawr bil ka maqnaa, waxayna ugu dambeyn maanta galeen xarumaha Maaliyadda Magaalada Qardho.

Shaqaalihii ku sugnaa xarumahan ayaa waxa ay ku amreen inay ka baxaan goobtaasi si nabadgelyo ah, waxaana intaasi kadib goobahan la wareegay ciidamada gadoodsan.

Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Puntland oo guda galay xalka arrintaan ayaa Saraakiisha ciidamada hoggaaminaysay waxa ay u sheegeen qayb ka mid ah Mushaarka ciidanka in la siinaayo.

Laakiin Saraakiisha ciidamada hoggaaminaysay ayaa iska diiday qayb ka mid ah Mushaarka ciidamada inay qaataan, waxaana ay u sheegeen masuuliyiinta Wasaaradda Maaliyadda inay doonayaan ciidamada mushaaraadkii ka maqnaa oo dhan in la wada siiyo.

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 There is more axes on Puntland than any other Somali area.

Those who failed in Mogadishu have decided to go the unitary state and have calculated this is best time to bring Puntland to its knee and dismantle Federal system

Those folks like Oodeweyne are convinced this is best time to do away with Puntland, or bring her down a notch to accept Somaliland as separate for the sake of peace and avoid war.

If SFG gave 1% of all the money being wasted in Mogadishu, it would pay the militia.

Even Turkey or UAE are not interested, since one condition of Puntland is not having foreign armies in its cities. The most Puntland will accept if interest of Somalia is some base middle of desert so as not to polute society.

Ethiopia and kilil are too busy with their own homes cannot help.


The Don should come to the rescue. He is making a mistake trying to work from Mogadishu instead of Puntland in his friendly but fiercely competition with Somaliland.



Are you the Jawar of Somaliland or Jawar is the Suldaanka of Oromo? Anything goes. Sometimes old news, sometimes fake news, but I admit most times real news from you.

Anything coming on Puntland from your neighborhood is suspect of either old news or fake news.





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