
Mueller's Focus on Advisor to U.A.E Indicates Broader Inquiry

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The extent and speed with which Mueller probe is moving amazingly fast. He is meticulous investigator with very specialized competent team. Even the republicans are giving up on undermining him because the nose is tightening. 

I do think individuals with direct connections to Emirates will be caught up. Every step that they have taken so far is backfiring. It is almost like the Iranians and Turks might as well sit back and let these Arabs screwed up. From Qatar, Yemen to Sudan have failed. The Horn is the last place to counter the Turkish and Iranian influence. 

Gwadar Port also is becoming an issue for them. 

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UAE is becoming the most paranoid state in the Middle East. The Royal Family there is getting ready for a regional Armageddon, of which no one knows what it is about. The ruling family is feeling very insecure about UAE's survival, regional status and economic outlook. 

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They  became unsuccessful  tool.  They  have to understand that  they can  not engineer the future direction of the world. No one can. "China and Turkey offer , win win  situation. UAE is copying  the miserable policy of Western countries  toward Africa for  last 300 years.

They have population of  9.2 million, of which 1.4 million are citizens and 7.8 million are expatriates.  Economically, they do not have to worry that much. With amount of wealthy, they have with that small population , they should not worry about their future. In fact they can increase their wealthy if they play smart and understand the world is changing  and  there is nothing they can do about it, for the future outlook of other countries.

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