Che -Guevara

Dispute over Ethiopia emergency rule vote after footage posted online

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Below is a direct translation of Abadula’s speech:

“Out of the members of parliament we have, eight are not available in their duty due to death and other reasons. The total number of members of parliament we have is therefore 539. Of these 539, according to the proclamation, two-third of it will be 339. The vote we have got in support of is 346; against is 88; and 7 have abstained.”

Several media outlets have went on a frenzy of editing the original stories; they not only corrected the 346 by 395, but also added in the corrected version of their stories the number of attendees as 490.

But this is problematic in two ways. One: It flies in the face of the figures announced by the speaker at the end of the vote: 346 for + 88 against + 7 abstain = 441.

Two: It opened debate on the counter constitutional working bylaws of the parliament which says, according to evening bulletin of the state media ebc, two third of the parliamentarians in attendance, not the total number of parliamentarians. In this case, where did the number 490, which is quoted by local and international media, come from?

Some have argued the speaker has mentioned the 490 attendees in his introduction remarks. If so, the media in attendance, the parliament itself and those who argued as such have the responsibility to present the evidence. Addis Standard was not invited to the event, as usual, but got this video submitted to it by a source who attended the session.

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He will probably get in here and speak about something totally unrelated to the post, and make it look like he is actually engaging the subject raised.xD

But seriously, the Tigray are in a tough spot. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't, for them I'm afraid.


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They have put themselves in unattainable position. That's what happens when you three decades undermining your neighbors and oppressing your fellow your countrymen not to mention robbing the state blind.

Whatever Observer says the word Somali will be in there:D

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4 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:


Whatever Observer says the word Somali will be in there:D


Thank you for recognizing that.

Find the answer to one question and everything will be clear to you.

How many MPs were physically in the house at time of vote?

Two occasions that give you the answer:


The other one was OBN that video refused to link.

Che for sure has seen it. lol

The point is on Dr. Abiy who is out of Oromo his head is on choping block. Amhara is taken as Tigray in 11th hour, etc.

According to Jawar Dr. Abiy did not sit in parliament during the vote. He knew it was going to pass. So he wanted to say that if he was in the house he would have voted against it, but there was emergency party meeting. He was in Addis that day. Jawar is sure. If he had voted against it, then he cannot be PM.

Jawar is saying Dr. Abiy absenteed himself to please both sides and this is worst than the Oromo MPs who voted in support of SOE.

Che, You will not find this in Addis Standard, but in OMN, Facebook and youtube. Ask an AI an Amhara or Oromo AI lol


As for the numbers 88 against 7 abstention is not in dispute, because the Oromo knew this before getting in session. The Oromo had meeting for 2 days trying to device a strategy what to do since the SOE was going to pass. They knew this because their members were split.


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