
Ethiopia now owns 19% of Berbera port

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49 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Whoa, this Xabashi bot is getting ahead of himself. He thinks Soomaali-owned ports will compete and kill themselves over to his labdlocked Xabashi land. You and your land is LANDOCKED. Keep that in mind always. He thinks all Soomaalis are like insecure few remaining secessionists who die pleasing the raw-eating Xabashi. Well, we are not.

Also, you can take your landlocked Xabashi port business to where the sun never goes.

But a final reminder: In Mombasa port, it is used by landlocked Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and even as far away as Congo - who combined hold zero percent stake in that port ownership. U bootee insecured few hardcore secessionist ready to please you and bend, yaa Xabashi, but don't even try that port business threat to rest of us Soomaalis who are pro-unity.


You are mistaken on the shares issue. It is not Somaliland or Ethiopia that wanted the share holding.

Djibouti has a condition that Ethiopia cannot use other ports unless it has ownership. This is an agreement about 20 years old. It was a guarantee Djibouti wanted before investing so much on the port. It was a condition DP old company also wanted.

Uganda Ruanda Brundi were not asked to guarantee their business.

Djibouti wanted this to prevent Ethiopia from taking its business to Eritrea. There is parts of Ethiopia that could use Port Sudan better that has train and roads already coming close to Ethiopian border, Sudan built dry port but still Ethiopia cannot move business to Sudan unless is by agreement and acknowledgement by Djibouti.

What seems so dificult to understand this pure business affair? Does everything has to be tied to governments and their political arguments?


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Here you hâve cheerleaders of the Sakiins,the pirates and the Ethiopian migrant Madoobe, all entitiés created and uséd by Ethiopia to undermine the Somali government  suddenly  playing the nationalist card.   SHAME.

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7 minutes ago, Ifiye said:

Here you hâve cheerleaders of the Sakiins,the pirates and the Ethiopian migrant Madoobe, all entitiés created and uséd by Ethiopia to undermine the Somali government  suddenly  playing the nationalist card.   SHAME.

Why can't Ethiopia be serving these folks interest? Is it because Ethiopia is big and these folks are small in numbers?

Some times it helps to see interest of Madoobe and ask yourself how he recruited Ethiopia to be on his side, rather than Ethiopia created and raised Madoobe.

There may be a better solution and come together with Madoobe that way rather than calling him Ethiopian and want him the next minute to be Somali Republican.


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3 hours ago, Old_Observer said:


You are mistaken on the shares issue. It is not Somaliland or Ethiopia that wanted the share holding.

Djibouti has a condition that Ethiopia cannot use other ports unless it has ownership. This is an agreement about 20 years old. It was a guarantee Djibouti wanted before investing so much on the port. It was a condition DP old company also wanted.

Uganda Ruanda Brundi were not asked to guarantee their business.

Djibouti wanted this to prevent Ethiopia from taking its business to Eritrea. There is parts of Ethiopia that could use Port Sudan better that has train and roads already coming close to Ethiopian border, Sudan built dry port but still Ethiopia cannot move business to Sudan unless is by agreement and acknowledgement by Djibouti.

What seems so dificult to understand this pure business affair? Does everything has to be tied to governments and their political arguments?


Ha ha ha...OO, you such a bullshitter🤣

This dimwit wants us to believe this claptrap about, “ it’s not Ethiopia that wants the share ownership, but rather Djibouti and UAE are insisting they take ownership in Somali ports”...

Dude, who the fcuck gives Djibouti and Dubai the right to give Ethiopia shares in Somali ports?

OO, after all the other nonsense you’ve been spouting all this time have failed, you’ve begun to make stuff up, eh? 😆

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2 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


There are certain folks one doesn't try to explain things to them in a good faith basis. For they not looking for a discussion or even an explanation. But a chance to vent their spleen and bile of hatred in social blogs like this one against Somaliland.

And in the Somali peninsula we have many of them due to the historical "straitened circumstances" in which their own region of origin have found themselves in at this point in time.

Hence, to dish-out to Somaliland (on a daily basis or at least on a weekly basis) is a form of "therapeutic heeling" for them.

And that is the case since the alternative is to be bent-up with a "festering hatred" of the kind that was had from their sheer political jealousy borne out of the fact whilst Somaliland is actually negotiation a deal of this magnitude and this level of investment, their region is essentially a "playground" between murderous Jihadi misfits on one hand and the occupying African's forces on the other hand.

Consequently, to "curse" Somaliland (and so cursed her with gusto) is the nearest "displacement activities" in which one could obtain it rather cheaply without being forced to do something about ones's own wretched region or about one's State of Somalia.

And that is the reason we behold all the "fake Somali nationalists" gathering (like so much of a moth to a flame) to any issue concerning Somaliland. While at that time it could be the case, that, the whole of Mogadishu could be "burning" down with the latest suicide bomber and his wanton destruction of innocents lives there, for all the care in the world they have for their own country, indeed. 

Waryaa Xiniinyo dabadood, or might a more suitable monicker for you, Oodka,   be Ina Cawil Mucjiso( He who was sired by an infertile Octegenarian)🤣

The topic at hand has nothing to do with Somali nationalism or any other drivel you wish to placate your fellow mooncalf secessionists with here on SOL.

The topic at hand is Ethiopia’s attempted theft of Berbera. Marka, Oodka, if you have an iota of sense left in your empty cranium, explain to us... why wasn’t the agreement recently signed wholly between Somaliland and UAE, only?

Why must—in your shoddy reasoning— Ethiopia have to get a 19% stake, knowing that the arguments so far proffered by the Tigray bot on SOL, OO, have fallen short. OO claims that Ethiopia wants the stake because they will build roads, and when that was laughably debunked...he came up with a more hilarious reason which was that, “ it is Djibouti that insists Ethiopia take a stake in Berbera!”

Marka, ina Cawil Mucjiso, put aside all the other cantrabaqash you’re accustomed to pen around these parts, and let’s see what justification you will make for why Ethiopia must take a 19% stake in the port in Berbera?

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George Soros Orwellian Institute

Accuse, Accuse, Blame Blame never go into explaining, just paint a catchy name and move on.



What part do you not understand?

Ethiopia cannot use any port other than Djibouti unless Ethiopia has ownership.

Ethiopia now has entered into agreement to own 19% of the venture. Ethiopia is poor country so it cannot come up with cash. On the other hand Ethiopia is very rich country, one of it is road construction. Therefore Ethiopia will invest in road construction which has many folds return for Ethiopia.

1. Somali kilil will have another international road and train is never far behind

2. Somali kilil will see investment raining. Export oriented Industries, and service related to industries and travelers and transport

3. Somalis from kilil will have jobs and high paying ones in the whole chain

If you must do something do it your own way and most beneficial to you. That is what Ethiopia is doing. If Ethiopia have to have shares, then pay for these shares with something that pays back to you more than other share holders.



The minister of Transport of Ethiopia, who worked for more than 2 years on this was the economic advisor and planning chief for the kilil before that. He is a person who probably knows the most of the economic ins/outs of this deal. The Somali kilil benefits the most from this deal, more than Somaliland or even DP world. The whole kilil will be transformed.


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1 hour ago, Tillamook said:

Waryaa Xiniinyo dabadood, or might a more suitable monicker for you, Oodka,   be Ina Cawil Mucjiso( He who was sired by an infertile Octegenarian)🤣


What is that you wanted to say?

I did not sleep therefore awakening was not necessary. Please read my explanation again or calmly and will be clear.

I am not from Djibouti, but Just to show my appreciation for the strategy and tactics of Djibouti, I have used the flag of Djibouti as avatar.


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38 minutes ago, Old_Observer said:

What is that you wanted to say?

I did not sleep therefore awakening was not necessary. Please read my explanation again or calmly and will be clear.

I am not from Djibouti, but Just to show my appreciation for the strategy and tactics of Djibouti, I have used the flag of Djibouti as avatar.


Our insomniac Tigray ai is loosing it...😆😆

Those remarks above were not meant for you, OO, even though you’ve taken it upon yourself  and assumed responsibility to reply to each and every comment posted on SOL... lol

Unless, your name is ina Cawil Mucjiso, step aside OO!😎


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8 hours ago, Suldaanka said:


Qoraalkaaga waxa ka dhiman kali ah inaad "Bom oo hadana Bom" ku dartid. If you know what I mean. :D

Suldaanta,  you neither possess the necessary gumption nor mental acumen required to spar openly with me on this here gallery. So I urge you not to get your underwear in a twisted bunch just yet, and desist from replying further in this post, until or when we hear the humbug Ina Cawil Mucjiso has to say about the topic at hand. Only then, might you be allowed to shake your booty for his comments and pander to his drivel in the supposed defense of maandeeq.:D

Unless of course, you wish to me manhandle you-- right now, right here-- for the atrocious secessionist scoundrel that you are and make quick work of it. 

Should it become necessary; it would behoove me to approve myself exceptionally capable in such an enterprise; overlooking the minutest sympathies one might feel for a lost secessionist simpleton such as yourself. xD

So the ball is in your court, now. Bust a move, negro!

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In your desperation for a wise cracking retort to my earlier lambast of you, the best you could come up with was a clip of an electioneering politician, eh?

In any case, seeing that you want more of the same from me... how do you propose I resume your ignominious thrashing, huh?

Shall I give it to you without further preamble (which also runs the risk of the edict givers of SOL rushing in to your aid) or should I, which in fact I think would be more tactful on my part-- rip you apart replying to some asinine answer you might submit...

Here take a bite, Suldaanta, if you would: why wasn’t the agreement recently signed wholly between Somaliland and UAE, only? What benefit will be gained by the average reer Sheikh nomad from Ethiopia gaining a 19% stake in Berbera?

Give it a think and tell us...godspeed!



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Ilaahay amarkii Tillamook you remind me of MMS oo Duriyadda ku tufaysa. :D  Bom oo hadana Bom... 

Maalmahan musheekhtii Somaliyeed oo dhan ayaa ka dacwoonaysa. Warka ila gaadh hee, maxa culumadii ka qaylisiiyay?

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17 minutes ago, Tillamook said:

if you would: why wasn’t the agreement recently signed wholly between Somaliland and UAE, only? What benefit will be gained by the average reer Sheikh nomad from Ethiopia gaining a 19% stake in Berbera?

That is the secret source. The vanguards  of Somali race are always thinking outside the box. Usually, it takes 10 years for the rest of Somalis to figure out the calculus that is being applied here. :D 

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25 minutes ago, Suldaanka said:

That is the secret source. The vanguards  of Somali race are always thinking outside the box. Usually, it takes 10 years for the rest of Somalis to figure out the calculus that is being applied here. :D 

Suldaanka, sxb , waxaan u gartay inaad is dhiibtay oo aad ka leexleexanaysid su'aasha gollaha taala. No problemo, mi amigo..

Like I mentioned before, you lack the necessary gumption and required mental acumen to go toe to toe with moi. Which is to be expected, of course, from a troglodyte secessionist such as yourself.

At least,  I'm hopeful that my retarded friend Oodweyne will provide us with something a little more entertaining than the gnawed gristle (Kulahaa, "Secret sauce" lolxD) you have thus far shared with us.

In the meantime, Suldaanka, lugaha isku duwo, lest you get knocked up by Tillamook's rapid fire assault.



If treasonous secessionists are being referred to as "the vanguard of the Somali race", then surely the Somali race is doomed to blindness and destruction...

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