
Ethiopia now owns 19% of Berbera port

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Now that Ethiopia and the UAE have signed this “deal”, how do you suppose things will pan out between Ethiopia and Egypt( a close ally of UAE), since Ethiopia was previously upset with the UAE/Egypt collobaration in Eritrea.

Share with us your $0.02 worth, if you would..

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1 hour ago, Tillamook said:


Now that Ethiopia and the UAE have signed this “deal”, how do you suppose things will pan out between Ethiopia and Egypt( a close ally of UAE), since Ethiopia was previously upset with the UAE/Egypt collobaration in Eritrea.

Share with us your $0.02 worth, if you would..

Nothing changes. UAE is the upper hand in both countries. Ethiopia of course has better choices than Egypt by a small factor. Turkey is one of the biggest investors in Ethiopia. Sudan is more important to Ethiopia than Egypt.

Of course on Egypt I am biased. Botom line is Egypt is the most useless and worthless elephant in the Arab world.

In Ethiopia UAE has to compete with many others and some of them UAE does not like. In Egypt UAE/Saudi are dictators they dictate terms.


In this issue of Somaliland, Ethiopia's policy is determined by:

1. Effect on Somali kilil which is positive the kilil will get investment as much as Somaliland

2. Djibouti You can rest assured Djibouti has given green light as long as the 80% of ethiopia's business is guaranteed and Ethiopia will not participate in Kismayo or Mogadishu majaor threats for Djibouti

3. Somalia in general and Puntland in particular. Cannot be against them even if may not like it, but not detrimental.


UAE finds Egypt very unreliable, too much in debt, wants always money and wants to be treated as major power. All contradictory.

Ethiopia on the other hand is poor, not interested whether you see it as major power or not. Diplomatically Ethiopia is more influential than Egypt. When another poor country Somalia told Egypt "I do not do it for you". Nothing they could do.


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20 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

And what is the sudden desperation of UAE? is bit reckless, wouldn't say ambitious?

Has the oil wellls  began to dry up?

Its Israel sending them everywhere with their UAE own money. They were mad with Gheulleh and are doing everything to tick him off. America also is not happy in Djibuti, but as strong as reckless America is, not much to do in Djibouti.

Not that oil wells drying up, but evry joe has now oil. and oil will never go up as long as Russia is competitor to America.


China's road is now main target. If only Somalia had Kismayo in contrl, in order secure and safe for business. Could be easily used until Uganda. Too late now is out of play.

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3 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Oo must have  some minion translator.


Get the money from rich arabs and we will kick them out when it is done!

How did I miss this one. Must be the Tigray AI

About Arabs I have same view. Make them feel big and the money will rain. Change government and tell them out, but always ready to reconcile and grab more money. Most undeserving folks.

But our fathers were more sily than them. Once defeated in the resistance the Somali should have taken full advantage from the colonials in industry, oil extraction, farming etc. But its a culture and tradition of not giving your dignity away even poor. In the long run hopefully it pays, but so far nothing to show for it, but poverty wars and remaining far behind the world in development.

The age of tribes is coming all around the world and the horn of Africa will be best suited for it.


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7 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

And what is the sudden desperation of UAE? is bit reckless, wouldn't say ambitious?

Has the oil wellls  began to dry up?

Notwithstanding their negligible successes in the Yemen so far, the Saudi/UAE Arabs are trying to control both sides of the gulf of Aden to prevent the Turks from setting up shop anywhere near the Important trade route, which is why they are in a hurry to stake claims on Berbera and Bossaso. The Arabs heartily loath a competing power like Turkey to ever gain a foothold in the gulf of Aden, for fear of the possible  disruption to their lucrative Oil trade.

But the Turks are obviously not being disconcerted about such maneuvers. They got themselves Mogadishu and that other port in Sudan. Just the other day, their Ambassador was shopping around in Hobyo.

The Arabs and Turks can dance around each other all they like but I fear a Syria-like proxy war will soon erupt in the whole of the Horn Africa and, as usual, the headless chicken Somalis will do most of the heavy lifting for these competing powers— even then,  when the dust settles they will be the worse for it, for history shows the fate of the Somalis of the Horn to be grim and inexorable.

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8 hours ago, Old_Observer said:

Nothing changes. UAE is the upper hand in both countries. Ethiopia of course has better choices than Egypt by a small factor. Turkey is one of the biggest investors in Ethiopia. Sudan is more important to Ethiopia than Egypt.

Of course on Egypt I am biased. Botom line is Egypt is the most useless and worthless elephant in the Arab world.

In Ethiopia UAE has to compete with many others and some of them UAE does not like. In Egypt UAE/Saudi are dictators they dictate terms.


In this issue of Somaliland, Ethiopia's policy is determined by:

1. Effect on Somali kilil which is positive the kilil will get investment as much as Somaliland

2. Djibouti You can rest assured Djibouti has given green light as long as the 80% of ethiopia's business is guaranteed and Ethiopia will not participate in Kismayo or Mogadishu majaor threats for Djibouti

3. Somalia in general and Puntland in particular. Cannot be against them even if may not like it, but not detrimental.


UAE finds Egypt very unreliable, too much in debt, wants always money and wants to be treated as major power. All contradictory.

Ethiopia on the other hand is poor, not interested whether you see it as major power or not. Diplomatically Ethiopia is more influential than Egypt. When another poor country Somalia told Egypt "I do not do it for you". Nothing they could do.



OO, can you ever answer a question without all the unnecessary side show. What’s up with all the double speak?  

Let state some facts first: UAE and Ethiopia agree to divvy up Berbera between themselves. But then again Egypt and UAE have forces in Eritrea, which Ethiopia is very sensitive about because of the big disagreement over the GERD with Egypt  (and which is why, OO, you can’t stand the “Bedawin” Arabs)

You praise Djibouti and even go the extra mile on SOL to defend Guelleh from the shit storms being hurled at him  by Oodweyne and Co who claim Guelleh wants to cockblock the Berbera deal.

And lastly, OO, you also  praise Sudan and proclaim that it is a more suitable ally, yet Sudan has distanced itself from the gulf Arabs altogether and is cozying upto Turkey and Erdogan and even gave him back his old Ottoman era port on the Red Sea.

So, OO, which is it? Are the Arabs the purported “ Bedawin” you claim or should they be welcomed and partnered with like in the Berbera deal?

That is a direct question! Don’t try to go into things that were not asked. 

If Djibouti has kicked out the Arabs, and Sudan has opted for the Turks instead, and you consider both Sudan and Djibouti close geopolitical allies of Ethiopia, then why does Ethiopia sign an agreement with the “Bedawin” Arabs, knowing fully that Ethiopia’s historical enemy Egypt is on the side of the “Bedawin” Arabs?

c’mon, OO, put aside the Tigray ai and use your own grey matter and tell us.😀

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What makes you think that Ethiopia entered into this agreement without first discussing with Mogadishu and Djibouti? The idea is almost a year old, it is not something that came out of the blue, even for you and I let alone to Mogadishu or Djibouti.

Can't give you proof, but I am convinced Ethiopia would not do anything that is against any part of Somali people, unless there is split interests and views among Somalis.

I have heard from a deputy minister some 3 years ago when answering to a question, he stated Any thing we do or say in relations of Somalia and Ethiopia is based on kilil 5 and in the republic is preferential to Puntland.

As far as UAE, Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea it is not one to one relations.

Eritrea will never do anything to help Egypt against Ethiopia. It is in Isayas person himself. He had made it clear more than once, there is even video recording of it in youtube. He stated that after fighting with Ethiopia.

Sudan is independent and is trying to repair its relations in Yemen.

Ethiopia is a country that has direct relations with America, Israel, China, UK Russia..etc No need for middle or small powers as middle man. Turkey is highly regarded, but Ethiopia is not happy with what is happening and what happened last 7 years in Syria. Ethiopia had good relations with Syria by the Christian churches and also historically. BTW its another Somali that re-established the diplomatic exchange. He studied in Syria. His name is Mohamed Dirir. Ethiopian ambassador to Egypt.



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"So, OO, which is it? Are the Arabs the purported “ Bedawin” you claim or should they be welcomed and partnered with like in the Berbera deal?

That is a direct question! Don’t try to go into things that were not asked."

Politically UAE no matter how wealthy does not have same influence in poor Ethiopia as it would have with other countries.

If UAE came with ton of money and the venture is not against anyone, why not you can deal with Bedewin.

This is not against Djibouti, nt against Puntland, not against Somaliland. Mogadishu is not happy because Mogadishu did not make the deal with another port, otherwise would jump up and down celebrating for same deal if it was in Mogadishu. That is small potatoe not against any Somali.


Here I gave you the reasoning and the conclusion.


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OO, if you think the theft of a Somali national asset by Ethiopian regime( 19% or not)  is, as you say, “ a small potato”, then you my friend live in cloud cuckoo land. And you probably should give me some of whatever you’re smoking.

lol@ “This is not against Djibouti, nt against Puntland, not against Somaliland.”😆😆😆


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If I were a betting man, SFG would sign the same deal for Mogadishu tomorrow with 19 percent or whatever SFG thinks enough for Ethiopia.

I am afraid you are reasoning the old way. Why can't you think that Somalia by deal like this has Ethiopia under its influence. Its a two way street. Ghelleh has more influence than any other country in the neighborhood in Ethiopia. Of course it is not fair to compare since Ghelleh is Ethiopian himself and has both Somali and Afar shared people with Ethiopia.

why also you do not think that Somalia can buy Ethiopia's share?

I am sure the area that Ethiopia can participate is road construction. They have few local companies that can build roads on their own. The cost is known.

Why also you don't think let them invest Somalia can kick them out?

Hoping for fight between Ghelleh and Ethiopia is bad wish and ill will that will hurt you more than those you are wishing ill.

Even the Italians will come as investors after putting in order some of their banking problems.

Italians who were enemy with Ethiopia are now building dams for Ethiopia.

Not sure if serious but Egypt wants also free trade zone in Ethiopia.





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5 hours ago, Old_Observer said:


If I were a betting man, SFG would sign the same deal for Mogadishu tomorrow with 19 percent or whatever SFG thinks enough for Ethiopia.

I am afraid you are reasoning the old way. Why can't you think that Somalia by deal like this has Ethiopia under its influence. Its a two way street. Ghelleh has more influence than any other country in the neighborhood in Ethiopia. Of course it is not fair to compare since Ghelleh is Ethiopian himself and has both Somali and Afar shared people with Ethiopia.

why also you do not think that Somalia can buy Ethiopia's share?

I am sure the area that Ethiopia can participate is road construction. They have few local companies that can build roads on their own. The cost is known.

Why also you don't think let them invest Somalia can kick them out?

Hoping for fight between Ghelleh and Ethiopia is bad wish and ill will that will hurt you more than those you are wishing ill.

Even the Italians will come as investors after putting in order some of their banking problems.

Italians who were enemy with Ethiopia are now building dams for Ethiopia.

Not sure if serious but Egypt wants also free trade zone in Ethiopia.





Don’t change the subject, Hombre.  I believe Guelleh can hold his own against the Tigray, what we’re discussing here is the Tigray regimes attempts to illegally steal a Somali national treasure. And the audacity of it all is that you think a few third world engineered and badly built roads could ever justify that the Tigray get 19% of  Berbera. 

Keep dreaming, amigo!

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Whoa, this Xabashi bot is getting ahead of himself. He thinks Soomaali-owned ports will compete and kill themselves over to his labdlocked Xabashi land. You and your land is LANDOCKED. Keep that in mind always. He thinks all Soomaalis are like insecure few remaining secessionists who die pleasing the raw-eating Xabashi. Well, we are not.

Also, you can take your landlocked Xabashi port business to where the sun never goes.

But a final reminder: In Mombasa port, it is used by landlocked Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and even as far away as Congo - who combined hold zero percent stake in that port ownership. U bootee insecured few hardcore secessionist ready to please you and bend, yaa Xabashi, but don't even try that port business threat to rest of us Soomaalis who are pro-unity.

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