Deeq A.

Somaliland Will Start Using Djibouti's International Phone Code (253) Instead of (252)

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Deeq A.   


HARGEISA— Somaliland authority has finally said that plans are on their final stages in order the country to have an international country code despite lacking int’l recognition 27 after declaring independence.

Somaliland govt says it has reached a deal with Djibouti that will allow to use and share with Djibouti’s international telephone dialing code (+253) for the time being once plans are underway to the introduction of new country code although Somaliland which is recognized as part of Somalia entity shares with Somalia’s dailing code (+252).

Since the new adminstration led by incumbent president Musa Bihi has promised to get an int’l dailing code for the country as the minister for Posts and Telecommunication, Hon. Abdiwali Sheikh Abdilahi has made the statement before the house of parliament during a breifing on his ministry’s duties for the nation. The minister has reiterated his commitment that the unveiling of new int’l dailing code for Somaliland will be the first 100 days acheivement of President Bihi’s govt.

Local telecommunication firms are keeping on a watchful eyes on govt’s move and said that the plan is intended to undermine their business. Some of the firms have started a lobby to form a union that will go against the govt plan to leave Somalia’s dailing code. They have called to join hands to oppose against the ministry of posts plan which is a threat to their thriving business in Somaliland. Some of Somaliland’s telcommuniction firms assocaition met with the opposition leaders at Ambassador Hotel but declinced to speak to the media about their gathering which they said was a hidden agenda.

The Justice and Welfare party leader, Faisal Ali Warabe has critized the govt of Djibouti which was interpreted as he was citing firms greivances against the govt. Somaliland, which is currently using the dialing code of Somalia has said that the time is right to have its own country calling code. Somaliland has declared independence from Somalia in 1991 but it has not been recognized internationally.


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