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Why do Somali Naago like White guys?

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^^i have not searched the verious universities and other study institutions, nor have i drawn a follow up plan of what happened to the one's who completed their studying 5-6yrs ago. WHY because frankly i don't care where they all are, there is nothing that idenfies them closer to me than anyone else, unless their could show me from my family tree (not pass third adeer, thats not relative.


why would you go through all that trouble just to find a somali guy? Especial as a female, when other guys make all the trouble to find you!! :D:Dredface.gif

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Originally posted by ibtisam:

why would you go through all that trouble just to find a somali guy? Especial as a female, when other guys make all the trouble to find you!!

That is a Somali Xaliimo expressing her desires..


redface.gifAll Faarax beware redface.gif



why would you go through all that trouble just to find a somali xaliimo is the next :D:D

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i really don't get what you ar hinting at!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What can i say my kids drive me mad, so i'm bit slow at getting implied meanings. maybe you can clarify smile.gif

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personally i think that other races find us prettier. yes i said that.

i can't explain it but i get more complements form non-somali's telling me i should be a model. they are also more less expressive than our brothers which i consider a bad aspect.


i like hanging out with white/african american males but the thought of ever making them more has never crossed my mind( i'm racist when it comes to my offspring).

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personally i think that other races find us prettier

MINI i have to hold my hand up!!

as a somali woman...

if i had a pound/dollar for everyone black, white, and yellow.

that has said i was beautiful beacuse of my typical somail features hey...... ;)

i would be very very wealthly :D

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If you ask somalis who had been to that road of experimenting other cultures, even when their partner was a muslim, most of them would tell you it is not worth it and you should stick to your own kind for a lot of reasons. If beauty, and for some, good sex(mostly for the young girls) is what people aim for in marrying others, then for the sake of posterity, ensuring the future of the kids as somalis and keeping family relationships solid are worthier causes to stay moored to the somali shores runtii. Somali women are beautiful because of somali men ;) Without the somali male seed, she wouldn't look what she looks like would she? And all the americans I work with come to me asking for few somali words to impress the somali girls because as they tell me, they are enthralled by the looks. For these other nonsomali males, it is all about the looks and wanting the somali girl naked in their bed for their satisfaction, nothing beyond that feeling, a feeling common to all animals. What kind of life will that be I wonder? to be tauted to others as the coloured sexy chick while her white patron pretends to be liberal in nailing the clueless xaliimo?


Anyhow, We shall keep to our somali girls for posterity and duly accept the blessed role of keeping our name and culture forever present on the world while some of you young girls get to experiment their fantasies and desires as they please. Fadlan, be comfortable when you pump into us somali males and you are with a white/black guy, cause, it is NOT our business. I am more embarrassed by your reactions as if you saw a ghost than the fact that your company looks foreign :D

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If Soomaalis were equally as frank, as honest when it comes to marrying their own kind, their own ostracized communities as they are to shisheeye.


If only as many Soomaalis in this thread were openly advocating marrying the people whose heritage hails from Madhibaan, Jareerweyne, Yaxar or Yibir.


If only.


And marrying ajnabi because s/he happened to be Muslim isn't something to rush. Hido iyo dhaqan plays a very vital major role.


Besides of your own waalid not having directly to communicate the prospected spouse. There were many that fell apart because those sisters who married shisheeye wanted to send some financial support to relatives at back home or elsewhere; the sisheeye husbands tolerated the first and second occasions; however when it got routine their true colours came out:


Why do you have to send "my" money to distant [read: her own parents, brothers, sisters] relatives? We need to save the money,, the children and I are alone in this family.


Ka fiirso intaadan iskaga ordin shisheeye.

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Well saxib, it is the hobby one has and the life-style that leads mostly to the love of others. This applies to both boys and girls. It makes sense for them to pair up or entertain the idea of other likeminded beings. The exception are the few somali ladies with kids mostly, divorced and marry outside the somali race availing themselves to the opportunity. That is quite understandable. But for others in the first group, Horaan usii fogeyneynaa instead awalba nooma tirsaneen nooh LOL. Ha u macaato saxib.

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If ever there were a prize for the best insult, your post would take first, second and third place.


You can hold the opinion that your own is always the best (I’m of the same opinion also), but must you degrade us such :confused: ?


You’ve turned us into sex objects, objects that have no other qualities to be married for other than our supposed good looks. You’ve also indicated that those of us who leave the fold are supposedly sex-crazed.


I don’t know if it just me, but that post was not to my liking at all. You might think that you were complimenting the sisters with all the supposed beauty stuff, but it is insulting for any thinking xaliima who chooses for herself to marry an ajanabi brother ;) .


MMA, couldn’t agree more. It disgusts me to see ajanabi been accepted so readily yet the mere mention of marriage to a fellow Somali who is also Muslim making most Somalis cringe. Inshallah this will change.


Rahima, I don't know which Somalis you refer to, but most Somalis that do venture outside their community do not prefer white over black.

I suppose all our opinions and views are shaped by our personal experiences. Where I am, and any other countries I have been to, Somalis who marry non-Somalis tend to venture towards the white folks and somehow degrade fellow blacks, although they too are Muslims. That said, another look at our people further cements this opinion- how often do you see will ama gabar soomaali from the tribes not discriminated against marrying a fellow brother/sister who so happens to be Bantu? I’ve never seen it or heard of such a union; therefore I’m guessing the numbers are very small.

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Sis Rahima :D I only conveyed the reason foreign men like somali women. The combination of good features and the pure african complexion that defy the norms along with the sweetness such men are treated with by the girls(And I am not advocating they should be rude or it is wrong to be nice). Somali girls look exotic in their eyes and are sweet. That is what they tell me as a friend anyway. It is always "Hey, Hamdi looks great and is sweet, can you hook me up with her"? Some even have pictures of somali girlfriends to show around sis and I am not kidding. It is not only young girls even experimenting the difference. One day I was depositing money into my account and the teller asks me if I was a somali. I replied yes. She was around 22 agewise and proceeded to tell me few words in somali. I curiously asked who taught her. She said her father's somali grilfriend. Can you imagine that sis? It is not shocking anymore and everyone is bragging about somali grilfriends both mature and young. Oh well.


And I don't mean to say somali guys don't date or run after white women. Some of them do. It is just not that many of them who do it and marriage by them to these women is rare in our area.


A somali guy may screw around with others but I suspect if they would whisper into an ethiopian girl's ear and say: "I was scared at first, I thought you were SOMALI, thank god you are not" ;)

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Maf Kees   

If Soomaalis were equally as frank, as honest when it comes to marrying their own kind, their own ostracized communities as they are to shisheeye.


If only as many Soomaalis in this thread were openly advocating marrying the people whose heritage hails from Madhibaan, Jareerweyne, Yaxar or Yibir.

Miskiin Macruuf Akhyaar

The Somalis that go after shisheeye but feel to good for some of their own are hypocrites and their entire existance is a disgrace. Especially when it's hypocrisy on top of hypocrisy. Discriminating people because they are farmers, blacksmiths etc. is the most pathetic thing about my people.


Topickaan haa la tirtiro. Dad aan Soomaali aheyn baa meeshaan ku dhexjira oo marti noo ah. It's non of their business. Rahima you are the mod, I'm sure you agree with me.

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*Ranting Mode On*


We really are a xenophobic society. I especially like how prejudice, outright racism and bigotry is covered up with declarations of saving the Somali gene and protecting our 'culture' and future children.


A war-torn country, a rotten to the core society, broken families and dysfunctional youth... Yes, I can see why we would want to preserve them all.


And now that is out of the way, what is Xoogsade like?


A non-Somali man can not like/want a Somali woman for anything more than speedy sexual gratification? Really? And what do the Somali men want them for then, if not the same thing? The ability to decorate the house in gaudy, imported fabrics and settees or her infinitely unique talent for cooking iskudhexkaris?


That's a mindset and a half I must say.


In my capacity as a postgraduate of the University of the Bleeding Obvious, I would love to point out that who someone marries is a personal choice (It really is. People don't just say it for the sake of it. There is something to it. Just thought I should reiterate smile.gif ). Moving on, couples marry for all types of reasons as well (yes, even for love! I joke not). That's not to say that those who marry purely for the sex have less valid marriages (this is just for you Xoogsade). I would think that would probably be a very fun -if short-lived- union.


Now I bet you're scratching your dandruff-ridden head and thinking 'so where does their colour come into it?'...right? The answer is it doesn't. You'll marry who you want to marry, who you choose to marry, who you're meant to marry and believe it or not, what colour they are will make no difference.


Then again, as a Somali woman, I can see why it would make sense to marry one of your own kind. You could look forward to bringing your Somali kids up all by urself - even when u have a husband and they have a dad. That's the Somali way. You can also look forward to sharing him with a number of equally 'beautiful-featured' wives - it is his right. Finally, once you hit 40, you can even look forward to a life of loneliness because he went off with a woman younger than your daughter and you will have a better chance of being mowed down by a bus than finding another Somali man to take you on.


The pros outweigh the cons, as you can see. :rolleyes:


*Ranting Mode Off*



Glad that's off my chest.


A side note: More guys date/marry outside their race than girls in general. And it's not confined to Somalis alone.



PS: I was going to note down a disclaimer in case the Protectors of Somali Women and Culture think I'm mocking them unduly. Then it occurred to me that I am. Oh well.

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Ahura, While you were busy penning down your elaborate reply to my prior posts, I submitted another more interesting one few minutes ago. Why don't you read that one as well and fire back again darling? :D I am laughing at your funny reply. Really sweet and funny lol. Come on now, you don't need to be offended by the truth. Everyone likes somali women and wants to have a piece of them We all know that. And some girls are more prone in relishing the attention than others ;) How unjust is that? Besides, you can read some of the poster's views and you have less to feel picked on Abaayo.


PS: Did you go by other name before?

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I read it already. 'More interesting' is a bit off the mark, don't you think?


Non-Somali men are salacious and Somali women are busy spreading it around for them. In the meantime, the non-lascivious Somali man is busy making a warm home for the Somali woman he is going to marry (because he is not one of the very few somali men who may be a slag but who will ultimately only Marry Somali. Apparently). I hear you loud and clear.


Can't say much to that. It is the truth, like you say. :D

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Ahura, I related verbatim and in their own words, what nonsomali guys whom I work with say about Somali girls and why they like them. It is all about good looks and for some of these men who struck up conversations with the girls, they reported sweetness in demeanor as well. I didn't say somali men are perfect and the implication you alleged has to do a lot with your made-up mind about somali men than it has to do with what I have said :D


I see your previous name at the bottom. I knew it! LOL.


Anyway, Abaayo, do you ever have a good thing to say about somali men in General?

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