Deeq A.

Wasiir ku xigeenka Warfaafinta Somalialand: ” Tv Qaranka waxaan ku arkay Masiibo iyo Wiilka wariyaha oo isagu iska leh Kamarada uu ku shaqeeyo “

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Deeq A.   

MOI took action against 24 reporters.


Information Minister Abdirahman Abdilahi Guri Barwako today has suspended and withholds the salaries of about 24 reporters at state run television in Somaliland. The minister announced the suspension in a circular which stipulates that their salaries will be witheld for three months and are ordered not to come to the ministry premises.

In the letter Mr. Guri Barwako said the action was for administrative reasons. The minister’s move to suspend the reporters will add fuel to the situation. The new information minister reshuffled directors in the ministry which caused an uproar among the reporters in the ministry.



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Can't listen to audio due to my phone having issues, but I am interested in what the good minister is saying. 

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