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Deeq A.

Opposition Parties form commission tasked to conduct investigation into rife allegations corruption in muncipalities in Somaliland

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Deeq A.   



HARGEISA–The leaders of Somaliland’s main opposition parties namely Wadani and UCID jointly named commission to luanch investigation into corruption scandals that are rife in Mayors of major townships in Somaliland.

The Anti- Graft commission which is being announced in a joint meeting saw the attendance of Hon. Abdirahman Irro, Wadani party leader and his Justice and Welfare party counterpart, Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe. In a press conference held in Hargeisa today, the two oppposition leaders have said that the fact finding commission will present the investigation before the public. It is said that the commission will luanch a fact finding investigation into local councils in Somaliland. The commission is to commence with Hargeisa muncipality where it is thought that all forms of corruption are practised on braod daylight. The mission is to educate the citizens to vote for honest, clean and comptenent candidates during the upcoming municipal elections in Somaliland. Accusations are often leveld against local councillors in Somaliland of misapproriting public taxes and stealing public lands.

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