Deeq A.

Somali goverment plans to close all entry points to Mogadishu except Balcad and Afgooye

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Deeq A.   

Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa hadda wadda qorshe kale oo ay ku dooneyso in Muqdisho laga soo galo oo kaliya Labo meel oo kala ah Balcad iyo Afgooye, inta kale ee waddooyin ahna la xiro. Waxaa xirmi doona waddooyin badan oo Labada Shabelle looga soo geli jiray Muqdisho, waxaana sidoo kale la xiri doonaan kuwo qarda jeexyo ah oo magaalada imaanayey. Ulajeedka ayaa ah sida la sheegayo in la adkeeyo ammaanka magaalada Muqdisho, wallow shacabka Muqdisho ay arrintaan u arkaan caqabad weyn oo soo kordhi doonto.

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I don't know if this is a good or bad plan.


On the one hand, the plan may reduce explosive-laden trucks from entering the city. On the other hand, it makes the city seem like a big "gated community". If you fence up the urban areas, you give up control of the rural areas outside the fence.  

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