Deeq A.

Uganda blames Somalia for the killing of Somali soldiers

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Deeq A.   

The Ugandan army said Monday its troops shot dead three Somali soldiers in Mogadishu after a military convoy carrying Uganda’s commander came under friendly fire over the weekend. Friday’s incident involving the convoy of Brigadier Paul Lokech, who heads the Ugandan contingent of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), happened when Somali soldiers established roadblocks to lock down the capital after two bomb blasts that killed dozens of people. Uganda’s military spokesman Brigadier Richard Karemire said Somali troops fired at the convoy and its soldiers retaliated in self-defense.


“There is absolutely no reason why the AMISOM forces in their designated sector of responsibility should have been blocked and fired at en route back to the base after providing critical support and with some victims of the attack being quickly evacuated for urgent medical attention,” he said. “As the incident is being investigated, let it be clear that AMISOM rules of engagement provide for self-defense and anyone who fires at these forces becomes a target,” he added. AMISOM on Saturday had said some of its troops “transporting injured civilians… were involved in an incident” at a National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) checkpoint near Kilometre-4, the city’s main junction.


“The incident is under investigation by both the federal government of Somalia and AMISOM,” it said in a statement.

This is not the first incident of deadly friendly fire between AU and Somali security forces in Mogadishu. Friday’s first bombing was at an entrance to the hilltop presidential palace complex while a second explosion hit a hotel close to the NISA headquarters, the presumed target. The bombings were claimed by the al-Qaeda linked Shabaab militants who are fighting to overthrow the internationally-backed government in Mogadishu, which is defended by 22,000 AMISOM troops, including 6,000 Ugandans.

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As the incident is being investigated, let it be clear that AMISOM rules of engagement provide for self-defense and anyone who fires at these forces becomes a target,”


lol. The threats are endless. The Ugandans are saying "We will kill and there is very little Somalis can do".  


This is nuts. 

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26 minutes ago, Dahireeto said:


lol. The threats are endless. The Ugandans are saying "We will kill and there is very little Somalis can do".  


This is nuts. 


But in all fairness that is the modus operandi of any military including that of SNA. You fire back if fired upon. The name of it is friendly fire. Especially since its hard to identify Al Shabab even the SNA can have friendly fire incidents of its own. Americans destroyed a whole team of their own in Afghanistan.

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It is not the right time to rub it in people's face. They could have emphasized the friendly fire part without speaking like that. There is a tone of arrogance in that statement. 

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Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa, Digir-cune kaa adkaaday, waa kugu dhuusaa. It is our fault in many ways.


AUN askarta dhimatay.  



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11 minutes ago, Ducale said:


Ma ilaahay ba kugu og iney waxaas maahmaah tay? 


Maahmaah xumo... another reason to oppose union.



It looks like Mr Holac is flexing his literary muscles and compiling his own sugaan iyo maahmaaho :D

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16 hours ago, Dahireeto said:


lol. The threats are endless. The Ugandans are saying "We will kill and there is very little Somalis can do".  


This is nuts. 


Adding insults to injury. Libaax dheh. Hadaan sida loola dhaqmin kaama xishoonayaan. Waa looma ooyaan. 

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Lighten up Ducale. 


Tallaabo is my witness that this one has some merit saxib. Until literary giants like Hadraawi reject its authenticity, Ducale is just hating on this masterpiece. 

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On 2/26/2018 at 1:07 PM, Dahireeto said:

It is not the right time to rub it in people's face. They could have emphasized the friendly fire part without speaking like that. There is a tone of arrogance in that statement. 

You are correct.

But when you make dust of your city any Joe can blow it to your face.

A lot of this will happen, even Shabab can use it using its members and suporters in SNA.


The situation allows for anyone who has some penny to their name to be a player.

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