Deeq A.

Maareeye: If the Federal Government of Somalia fails to honor the spirit of unity I will resign

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Deeq A.   


By Ahmed Abdi
Mogadishu—A Somali minister says he will quit his post if the Federal Government of Somalia fails to honor the spirit of unity and justice amid talks between Somaliland and Somalia.
“I am exemplary of those willing the unity of  Somalia, but If the peace process is not at all being faithful to the spirit of regaining Somaliland through dialogue I will leave from this post,” said Minister of Trade and Industry Mohamed Abdi Hayir.
The Minister’s statement comes amid the intended one person, one vote elections in 2020 in which members of  Somalia’s electoral authorities said Somaliland is participating in the election. Minister Hayir, himself, is from Somaliland.
The talks between Somaliland and Somalia collapsed after two years of the process, but the new Government of Somalia is willing to reopen talks with Somaliland administration. Djibouti government will likely mediate the two sides in March.
The chief Somaliland negotiator Sa’ad Ali Shire retain his post as Foreign Affairs Minister of Somaliland after Muse Bihi Abdi, a former rebel commander won the second-round of the 5th general election since Somaliland declared independence from the rest of the country in 1991.

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Every shindig has

wannabe Ahmed Chalabi the only successful creation who at no risk to himself achieved the most.


Shouldn't he be the one to work for reconciliation or is working for Somaliland to weaken the SFG image and create suspicion.


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