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Deeq A.

Information MInister reshuffles directors, TV manager lock horns over her expulsion

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Deeq A.   


HARGEISA–The Newly appointed Information Minister, Hon. Abdirahman Guri Barwako, has fired the manager of Somaliland’s only state run television manager, Mr. Khader Mohamed Akule and made a major directors reshuffle at the ministry. The minister has issued an extraordinary directive announcing a new directors for the State owned newspaper, the television and Somaliland News Agency. The former television manager has dismissed the minister firing him and argued that he was appointed through a presidential decree.

The outgoing television manager has made the remarks in a press conference that he held claiming that having the former president Silanyo nominated him that he could only be sacked by the current president by a presidential decree. The minister and ex-state run television manager are locked horns over who has the outright power to sack him. Mr. Akule said that government is all about being law abiding and the president has the power to sack me. The former TV manager says that he neither received notice that he has been sacked from the job by the president.

He also said that there is no order from the incumbent president Musa Bihi bringing the television under the control of the ministry of information. He denied that the minister does not have the duty to sack me. The Minister  replaced all directors be it the newspaper, the television and the news agency. In exercise of the powers conferred on him under the powers given to him, he can sack and appoint ministry employees.  They assume office with immediate effect, according to the circular issued from the ministry.




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