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The Om Factor

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i went to site and this what i saw!!


After Frank Gehry's stunning Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, opened to universal acclaim in 1997, midsized cities around the world raced to build their own architectural tourist attractions. The thinking was simple: As long as a new building is enough of a spectacle, visitors will show up in droves. There are plenty of subtleties in Gehry's design—mostly in terms of how carefully it relates to the streets and city surrounding it—but nobody flew to Bilbao for a lesson in contextualism. They went to be amazed.]


sometimes what amazes is this lil rich white guys

create something so ****** ! i mean the rest of the world is suffereing specially africa! and these westerns infade when their terest gets get into example irag!!!


rather than building this enromous picece of crab, i would denote to starving ppl in the rest of the world. lemme ask u this q's?. may be i miss something. what does this building signify and how much do u think the dude spent on it.


all i wanna this what the man white stole from motherland and now for ever white loser to signify his deed, he has to come up with ****** lil shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ADMIN... DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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try this, it worked for me one time!


click on Mailbox, and click on the Delete All Cookies Set by This Forum. close explorer, restarted and try again.

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