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Deeq A.

Somaliland: president chairs meeting Cabinet of Ministers

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Deeq A.   


HARGEISA– Somaliland President, HE Musa Bihi Abdi chaired a meeting of cabinet ministers which took place at the presidency on Thursday morning. The Vice President also was in attendance.

The committee of the council of ministers in charge of national security made a report at the session in which they have suggested the best way forward for the prevention of clan skirmishes which are rampant in Somaliland rural areas. The committee said that the major cause of clashes between clans is the dispute which often arise from the resources sharing be it water, land dispute and other political wrangles that lead to fights. The council of ministers have reiterated that there should be justice for all Somaliland citizens in regard to job opportunities be it public or private. The Head of State has that a priority should be given to work over time for the nation.

The following points have been agreed within the council of ministers meeting:-

  1. The national security committee of the cabinet was given time to accomplish possible remedies aimed at bringing the deadly inter clan skirmishes to end.
  2. As part of giving priority to gender, the council of ministers have agreed to give opportunities to females in Somaliland when it comes to job opportunities particularly to govt ministries and other public agencies should give first priority to women.
  3. The council of ministers have endorsed that the Civil Service Commission should arrange a particular way for women to be recruited into the civil service so that they should work in ministries.
  4. The outcast clans should also be given their opportunities pertaining to jobs and public officials at federal, regional and district level are urged to comply with the order.
  5. Finally, the cabinet have seen the significance of applying the rule of law in order the strengthen good governance.

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