Deeq A.

Former Somaliland Finance Minister Lands in Mogadishu to Get Her Money Back

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Deeq A.   



Wasiirkii hore ee Maaliyadda Somaliland Samzam Cabdi Aadan ayaa ka dagtay magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii  la sheegay inay malaayiin dollar ka dhaceen ganacsato degaan ahaan ka soo jeeda koonfurta Soomaaliya iyo kuwo Ajnabi ah, sida ay qorayaan warbaahinada Hargeyysa.


Samsam Cabdi Aadan ayaa ganacsi kula jirtay ganacsato South African ah iyo ganacsato Soomaali ah oo ka soo jeeda koonfurta Somaliya kuwaas oo Share ku ahaa shirkado ganacsade oo wadamada Geeska Africa ka shaqeeya. Ragga ganacsatada ah ee Soomaalida warbixintu waxay sheegaysaa inay ehel dhaw yihiin Madaxweynaha Mamulka Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf taas oo la sheegayo inay Samsam ugu tagtay Ergo Ahaaan.

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And where did the millions  come from first place?


It reminds me of Adde Muse, havng similar case with Dubai property scammers who took millions.

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Agree too many fake news these days, icluding this interview  can be fake, as for the UAE number does not prove anything, could be roaming.



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Just because Donald Trump had success in utilizing Fakenews as part of his campaign, it seems a lot of Somalis are trying their luck too. 


But they do not know the difference between gullible self-centered Americans and the Somalis. The Somalis are well known for their investigative instinct and news gathering skills. Fakenews has little chance. 


The grand dad for all these fakenews sites, Dahir Alasaw went as far as registering a fake website "Kenya Media" to spew his venom and make it legit. It was exposed within minutes that the site was registered by him no more than 3 months earlier and hence since then that site went mute or even disappeared completely.

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If it is fake news, then it has to be dismissed by all of us. It is not fair to the women to be accused of corruption.  But if this thing is proven true, it is a tragedy. Millions of Somaliland's money for the drought victims disappeared and people of Somaliland have the right ask where this money came from. 


The truth will come out. 

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