
Muuse Bixi admin releases car full of ammunitions destined for Ceel Afweyn war

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Bal wa egayna ciiday caano ka daatan as Somalis say.   So far the score is over 40 dead Jeegaan and 80 injured.  We will keep sending them to akhiiro. I wonder what excuse  jeegaanta halkan ka nacnacnaleeya siida Oodweyne  will try to find about this deadly decision that can explode the entire Somaliland?



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Oodweyne  the so called kangaroo court failed and this is the second time it was released by the failed admin of Muuse Bixi. Rest assured it will be taken over by my boys as usual.Last time Boqor Buurmadow's brother got shot badly  and lots of guns were taken from Jeegaanta.  :D 

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