
The last resort for recognition: Jeegaanland seeks the aid of Anderson Cooper & Peter Tatchell

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For those of you that don't know Peter Tatchell is considered the head of qolyaha bidiixda ka leefyooda in

UK likewise Anderson Cooper is considered the head of that community in the USA.  Anything for the elusive

aqoonsi. It seems Jeeganlanders are willing to do anything for ictiraaf.



Peter Tatchell

Peter Tatchell.jpg 2.png

Peter Tatchell.jpg









Anderson Cooper in Gabiley

Anderson Cooper.jpg

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Ducaale no joke.  Both are hardcore pro Jeeganlanders for many years unfortunately this didn't

result in ictiraaf.  :D


Peter Tatchell show


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Puntland, Djibouti and Somali Kilil are the key empires in Somaliland's recognition or even peace.


If these regions say there should not be Somali blood spilled any more. The whole case is finished.

Any Somali who does not agree or like Somaliland becoming a country of its own is fighting against Somalilanders directly, but any Somali who wants to deny recognition has to support Puntland economically socially etc.


If Puntland comes to conclusion of what is the point forcing a Somali kill each other for simply saying this mountain that port or that river belogs to the republic.

After 30 years that is the conclusion the Afar, Agew and Tigray (shared people, split clans) reached and was all over for the rest of Ethiopians. Even those who saw Mengistu the butctcher as nationalist could not do anything.


Now Mengistu brother is in Asmara in need of help from Isayas to bring down Weyannie and he sings praises of Isayas. Isayas just gives him drinks and women and will not let him do anything against Weyannie.





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3 hours ago, Holac said:

How did Peter Tatchell get involved in lobbying work for Somaliland?


Same reason Anderson Cooper got involved.  Gays are big fans of Jeeganland ( Jeegaan means rainbow).

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