Holac Posted March 5, 2018 Quote Stop any demo or obstruction, this is provocation. The Oromo needs rest. Oromo government call emergency meeting and expel Dr. Abiy (PM candidate) and Abadulla (speaker) No Oromo should fight or die for Abiy to be prime minister. Not even peaceful protest should be done. Read more Is that on his twitter account? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 5, 2018 On 3/5/2018 at 12:03 AM, Holac said: Is that on his twitter account? Read more Now its on youtube, but half in Oromo but all important points in Amharic. He was just foaming on the mouth taling about Abiy. To be fair he was Lema fan even before the switching and he did not like the switching. It looks stupid to call emergency meeting for changing chairman of party and say nothing negative or positive reason for the switching except candidate for PM. Lema was worning not falling into trap of enemy/opponents and disappoint our people and destroy image of Oromo in front of all other people in Ethiopia. Partly that is what happened. You do not hear any other nationality speaking in support of Oromo, but everybody questioning their motive. That is bad when you are fighting uphill you need at least neutralize and not create dout this early. Almost all Amhara organizations are saying now, "don't overthrow weyannie, we are not ready yet to take power" in so many ways. That is bad for everybody including the government. Some Oromos are saying in the open "see we told you these are Habeshi they only fight who gets to rule". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted March 7, 2018 STRIKES SPREAD IN RESTIVE ETHIOPIA REGION BEFORE TILLERSON VISIT Strikes protesting Ethiopia’s state of emergency spread across the restive Oromia region ahead of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s arrival for talks with the Horn of Africa nation’s embattled government. The closing of shops and roads by members of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group is the latest sign of discontent in Oromia state, where unrest has prompted the country’s second state of emergency in two years. Tillerson is due in Ethiopia this week as part of his first government visit to sub-Saharan Africa, less than a month after Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn resigned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 7, 2018 Che, Its all co-ordinated. I bet you Ghuelleh and Hailemariam are getting the message. Even the poor Ethiopian farmer knows something is afoot when the American Ambassador in Addis openly and undiplomatically speaks same way spoken in Ukraine. I do not think the Americans are taking into consideration that Ethiopia can split in half and loose both halves. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted March 7, 2018 Observer, Most Somalis would be okay with orderly balkanization of Ethiopia but I would hate to say a violent end with millions displaced or killed. It will be bad for the continent and worse for the Horn. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tillamook Posted March 7, 2018 Countless dreadful apprehensions present themselves to our Tigre friend, Old Observer, as the Tigre regime begins to slowly crumble around him and this undoubtedly disposes him to melancholy; But let me say this to him: Fear not OO, the Somalis of the horn of Africa shall NOT allow the Oromo and Amhara to gang up against your lot. As Somalis, we maybe many things, but accepting injustices to ourselves and to others, we do not. We shall always stand by any group in Ethiopia that suffers injustices, including the Tigre regardless of the disagreeable nature of our relationship has been of late, mainly due to the Tigre leaderships ingratitude for all the incorruptible fidelity and help that Somalis had rendered to the Tigre during their struggle for independence from the Derg and Amhara. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 7, 2018 Tillamook, That is the right attitude, is called righteous. Since it is an attitude that circumstances do not change it. Don't misunderstand when I comment on different issues in one posting. You think that I am dispondent. Far from it. The split half happens in a diferent way than most people are figuring. Some say Tigray spliting from rest etc no there is no grounds or group for that, but look at the map of kilils. There is no slight ground or group for the two big number Ethnics of having same intesterest either you can see what is happening when things get really hot and not so sure of the possibilities. No human being will act without looking at possibilities unless pushed and left with no options. Even two nomads/farmers over grassland or water well. In any case since we are looking at 1900s all over again with slightly different players, and minelik's way do not work even for minelik himself let alone for others. The Somali will be OK in what ever way things develop.The Somali may not be driver, but has enough strength and options to drive. I think everybody recognizes that. which is what one can expect and count on in such times. Since the creation of the region by British, Ethiopias minelik and Italians, this is one time where every Somali of the region is united consciously. Its quite amazing and to see people at their best. Unity in house is prevention of any outsider temptations. The Somali may not have material wealth, but has moral wealth that is most necessary to survive and thrive in future. In a bad situation out of your control, I wish other Somali regions would have conscious effort to compromise and unite. The kilil is OK. Being righteous also gives you peace with yourself. No regrets. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 7, 2018 On 3/7/2018 at 2:39 PM, Che -Guevara said: Observer, Most Somalis would be okay with orderly balkanization of Ethiopia but I would hate to say a violent end with millions displaced or killed. It will be bad for the continent and worse for the Horn. Read more Balkanization of such countries can never be all orderly. The history is longer than the present. The countries are bigger than those that can orderly control. The best thing is not have ill will to all people and mostly people who have nothing to do with it. Ethiopia and the Somalis are more intertwined today than ever has been in past. Ethiopia cannot be Balkanized without affecting the Somalis in some regions or countries. As for kilil I am convinced this is best situation has ever been. Conscious unity. As the westerners say "hold your nose and vote for A" . The Somalis may have a truckload of complaints and greviences on the government, but have consciously chosen to hold their nose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted March 8, 2018 So, Observer, what's the late Zenawi saying? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maakhiri1 Posted March 8, 2018 Ninkan Martida ah inagu soo kordhey, Shaqo meesha u yimi, ha la iska dhaafo, waa la akhristaa, waxa u yimi huuhaa iyo in uu helo umad badan oo illey oo kale ah, ama sida iLLey U fekerta, iyo fekerka dadka in shaki geliyo, wax ka bedelo fekerka , ama sidey rabaan wax u sheegto, buu rabey, laakin mar mar baa isaga laftiisa, daaqad fekerka Tigreega, iyo waxa ay rabaan laga ogaadaa, wax badan baa laga dhuuxi karaa, Cadowggaag in aad ogaatid sida u fekeraayo. Waa nin aad loo carbiyey. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Old_Observer Posted March 8, 2018 On 3/8/2018 at 2:50 AM, Che -Guevara said: So, Observer, what's the late Zenawi saying? Read more Zenawi always knew the Oromo has the idea that separation is the only way to overcome Habeshi domination. A lot has gone on the Oromo that menelik and tribe has done. Meles also knew if the Oromo is misdirected can do a lot of damage. Don't forget the soldiers of minelik was almost all Oromo, but Amharized ones. Mengistus was also the same. Zenawi wanted to point out to all that if the Oromo is used by anyone else can be unforgiving tool. But the Oromo will not tell you what Meles said in the opposite direction. A lot of people think that if Meles Zenawi was in power, he would have just sent the army and no problem. Actually that maybe the image he projected, but Meles is always against wars. Somali kilil is best example: He knew the people wanted complete and total autonomy no Oromo or Habeshi in their homes and life other than federal health, higher education, and other areas. He sat with elders and intellectuals and told them OK you do not want soldiers from anywhere, fine then clean your house, yurself manage yourself and I guarantee you ethiopian army will only use border areas and few bases needed for border areas. Even in border areas the army will help communities build schools, clinics, farming etc.. That agreement holds to this day and will continue. He did the same in Afar areas where they had an organization like ONLF. You do not hear about that conflict no more. Even with Eritrea he was outvoted and he said it in public that he had to observe party and government decision. First opportunity he stopped the war. He used to say: If you have 500 dollars and used it in war you loose the 500 dollars and the person who could have made you 500 dollars more. If you had used the 500 dollars on development no body will bother you because they know you can afford 500 dollars anytime. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted March 9, 2018 DEG Xisbiga EPRF ee Talada Wadanka Ethiopia Haya oo Iclaamiyay Wakhtiga la Dooranayo Ninka loo Wado R/Wasaraha Ethiopia iyo Ninka ugu dhaw +Somalida oon hal Cod xataa ku lahayn Talada Dalka Posted by admin on March 8th, 2018 08:04 AM | NEWS Addis Ababa(SBN)Xisbiga haya talada dalka Itoobiya EPRDF , ayaa ugu dambeyntii taariikh u sameeyay kulankeeda guddiga fulinta kaasoo la filayo in uu soo saaro ra’iisal wasaaraha cusub. Madaxa xafiiska EPRDF, Shiferaw Shigute ayaa xaqiijiyay in guddigu uu kulmi doono axadda Maarso 11, 2018 si ay uga wada hadlaan natiijooyinka ka soo baxay qiimaynta ay sameeyeen afarta qaybood ee xubinta ka ah isbaheysiga. 180 xubnood ee xisbiga ayaa sidoo kale la rajeynayaa inay doortaan guddoomiye cusub kaas oo noqon doona Raiisul Wasaaraha cusub ee dalka. 180-ka xubnood ayaa waxay ka kooban yihiin 45 xubnood oo ka kala yimid afarta xisbi ee ku midoobay isbahaysiga EPRDF. Kulankan ayaa qiimayn doona warbixinta waxqabadka lixda bilood ee xisbigu iyo in uu ansixiyo is casilaada Ra’iisul wasaaraha Hailemariam Desalegn, kadibna uu u codeeyo badalkiisa xafiiska Wararka ayaa sheegaya inay hada ugu cadcad yihiin llabada nin ee kasoo kala Jeeda Axmaarada iyo Oramada waliba waxaa loo badinayaa Dr Abiyi Ahmed hadii kale waxaa la filayaa inuu wadanku khal khal sii galo Dhinaca kale qoomiyadaha Somalida ,Herarida iyo Canfarta ayaan iyagu hal qif xataa ku lahayn cida talada wadanku ka gi,do waxayna iyagu taagan yihiin kii Hooyaday guursadaaba waa Aabahay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted March 9, 2018 OO used to talk about Somalis having a say of the future leader. Well, thanks for giving the SOmalis a good hope, but we know better. EPRDF is a coalition for parties. TPLF, ORomo Party, Ahmara party and the Southern Nationairies of Hailemariam desalegn. THese for groups each with 45 members totalling 180 will select the next leader and prime minister. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites