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Can you help who you fall in love with?

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No to all the questions posted.




Interesting answers. Lool @lily hopping on pavements!


Nephthys: Hmmmm. that one right there is just a lazy so and so with no manners and wants to hide from normal life and his responsibilty, it has nothing to do with his feelings towards her, they are his damn kids, marriage, love or hate he needs to help look after them, it is part of life.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

No, but kindness is a necessary ingredient.

You're absolutely right. Far too many people are interested in mere looks and the momentary butterflies in the stomach. But kindness is loveble. It's a trait. And traits never fade.


It's a different thing to show kindness than to be a genuinly kind person. Whilst showing kindness is temporary, a phase, being kind is something that one will never cease to be. It comes with humbleness, genuine love for God and all His creation.

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Ms DD   

Originally posted by Khalaf:

Cambarro Sharaaf u sound like a teenage girl.....

Teenage..ahahaha oh My giddy aunt!

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Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?

Yes. Marriage without love is like tea without sugar or flavour.

Lily,Tea with no sugar & flavour is what we refer to as waarikoow in the neck of my hood. Gashaanti with waakiroo skills xaax iga dheh. Red Sea u soo dayday mid waarikoowga ku dheereesa.


Ms. Dhuc, Real jaceyl for the right reason in the right time is good ingredient for marriage but not silly love like kadimeey kadim. As dadkeena say, guurku waa god gacan la gashaday, kolba dhowr wixii ka soo haada godka.

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Girls, all I'm saying is that long as the couple are kind and respectful to each other it could work out very well. There are many people that stay married for a variety of reasons. Some for love. Many, many for other reasons that do not include love, as not all marriages can be storybook love stories, the odds are just stacked against that..


And yes, I'm happy and in a love-based marriage. :D

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Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?



Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?



Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?



Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?


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Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo:

quote:Originally posted by Khalaf:

Cambarro Sharaaf u sound like a teenage girl.....

Teenage..ahahaha oh My giddy aunt!
LOOOOOOOOL! Quote me out of context...that came out wrong and looks awful :D Caafiis?

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there is no such thing as love! proof it... yaab waayee...yesterday, she was goat herder, today she talking about love! wat in the world..!


african nimida waa luu dasha, iib see lagu waa!!

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Q - Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?


A - Yes, I think you can.



Q - Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?


A - Possibly. But you might never meet them. And it wouldn't stop you from being happy and loving other people. But God help you if you ever do come across them while attached!


Q - Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?


A - No, but it validates your love if you know the person well (and you still manage to keep loving them).



Q - Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?


A - Definitely. Could you tolerate all the nasty habits of somebody you don't love? Urg. The good thing about love in a marriage is that it provides you with rose-coloured specs for a good while. Until you get used to the other person anyway.

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Originally posted by rudy:

there is no such thing as love! proof it... yaab waayee...yesterday, she was goat herder, today she talking about love! wat in the world..!


african nimida waa luu dasha, iib see lagu waa!!

Rudy ... you getting rude ka qalee inanta. :D


What is love get to do with a goatherder :D

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

^^Who said goatherders are excluded from being in love. I heard their love "Kills"

Care to show us their graves, I hope you won't say, i saw it in burco. :D

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^^^No no no, Not burco, I saw it in the Miyi, the Lion was near their graves so I could not see the names written on the sand :rolleyes: :D

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Anyway, Ummmm, this is a lovely topic. *clicks fingers*


Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?


I don’t think that I’d get the opportunity to analyse the person enough in one sitting.


However, you can get a feeling that this person could be someone that you can maybe introduce Aaabo to; merely from the way they carry themselves. I personally would need to research how much of the vibe is real or a put on before making a decision. Love is truly selfish, a person would have to gain it some how.



Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?


I believe it’s true for some but not everyone is that blessed. In the end, it depends on what Allah has planned for you.




Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?


Yes definitely, everything else would either be described as lust, infatuation or subtle insanity.


Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?


A marriage may survive without love but for a successful marriage? Yes, absolutely, otherwise one party in the relationship would be unhappy or shortchanged. Love is what makes you go that extra mile, what turns the 'you' and 'I' in an ‘us’. In the Quraan, Allah links love to the tranquility He blessed in marriages. I’m not sure how some people here define love, but for me it encompasses many qualities such as kindness, affection, admiration, lust (in marriage) that can be good on their own but together make up love. In this context, I’d say that love is rather the hot water in tea.

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