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Obama Speaking in Amharic

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The guy is talking nonesense. I can only tell you the part you picked as the title is the only funny part. Findhaatoj indhihum Federal polosoj (which means 'explosives' and Federal Police). Why is it funny for Ethiopian readers? Because, Explosive is a name (cheeky one) given to anyone who is fashion-follower and enjoys parties. Federal poice is feared in Ethiopia as harsh, but the connotation here is also about them being 'peasants'. So, Obama is addressing all ethiopians and after he made his speech with "fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers" he follows up with "Findhaatoj" and even "federal polisooj". The government will not be amused. They are sensitive Laangaab who don't take jokes.

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If you are looking for funny Ethiopian, You look for Kibebaw Geda, who is a born comedian. He is the one who said," In the rest of the World, when you miss a famous player from a football field and you inquire, you are told 'o! Shearer! he hung up his boots'. If you inquire about a wrtier, you are told 'O!he hung up his pen'. you hear, 'He hang up his gloves for boxers etc etc".


"In Ethiopia," he said, "when you miss a player from the football field, or a singer from the stage, you ask around and you are told "O! Bekele, he hung HIMSELF up last week, ...last month'" :D:D


It is popular because it is so true!!!

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Arday indha'la' oo fourth year student aanu wada aheyn ayaa macalin hindi ah oo Sharma la yidhaa "F" siiyey, and he couldn't graduate. Dormitory'ga ayaa after few hours loogu yimid isagoo sidii Jesus laalaada. Kolkaas aaskii markaanu tagnay macalinkii ayaa meesha joogay oo lahaa " My braders! Why didn't you tell me he was gonna die?" The teacher was shocked! walaahi hadaad argatid wajigiisa. Lacagtii aaska isagaa bixiyey.

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