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What would you do? [Gaza]

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Apart from a calls for truce, Muslim nations and their leaders can do very little.


There is a term called being held by the kahuunas.


Now my good SOLers idinku maxaad sameen laheedeen?

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Personally speaking...There's nothing I can do other than pray for my brothers and sisters in Gaza... :(


Tha Yahoods (May The Curse Of Allah s.w Fall Upon Them) got us exactly meeshay nala rabeen oo ah iney na kala qeybiyaan si ay inoo laayaan...



I'm not surprised by their actions one bit...the same way I was never surprised by the Ethiopian actions but what surprised me is our level of doqonimo as Muslims...I mean the systematic genocide of the Zionists has been happening in Palestine from the day the British Empire ay ku yiraahdeen dhulka idinkaa iska leh and I don't remember any Muslims country saying anything meaningful apart from the usual 'Qacda Maqashii Waxna Ha U Qaban' and that's exactly what we are doing AGAIN today when our Muslim brothers and sisters need us most...Aghh Shame Man. :mad:



I would like to add one more question...When are we going to learn that Gaalo dan kama laha Muslim la laaynayo especially markee kuwa wax laaynaya ay yihiin their Zionist Master? Let's get real people.



P.S This is exactly why I hate politics...because I'm an emotional guy and I let my emotions get the better of me.



Nacalad Haku Dhacdo Yahuud iyo Kuwa Taageero Insha Allah... :mad:



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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There is no people who have united to the man to do something. It is just natural there will always be those who go on different path than what most of their brothers desire for. It is a human nature, not specific to any race or group. If Norf is talking about unity among Arabs, the overwhelming majority have the same stance on Plaestine.

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Can the Isrealis and Palestinians live together peacefully? As long as the answer is no, there will be nothing but terror and death in that region. The external factors only affect who is better equipped and on top and therefore oppressing the other.


Not much that can be done by the average person, I'm afraid. Peace is in the hands of the Isrealis and Palestinians, the outside world can do little more than what they are already doing, i.e. to put the pressure on and attempt to broker some kind of temp reprieve/deal or to take sides and provide monetary/military support.

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How would you have proposed the Israel's and Palestinians to live in peace? Some ideas eedo. I just can't see how? Bal ii sheeg and I will follow you.

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This is one of the few instances when there is no technical solution to the problem. Either the fundamental religious paradigms and beliefs of the two people must be redefined, or one of them must disapper. It seems that way.


I think Isreal's land grap needs to be reversed. Two-state solution the way US sponsors is another injustice. All refugees must come back and Israel should get a tiny protion of the present land. That their fathers lived there million years ago doesn't mean they shoud share it. By that analogy, the RED Indians must get back LOS ANGELS.

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^^ You have not been following the news, have you? It's a three state solution now. John Bolton is trying to sell the old idea of the Gaza Strip joining Egypt with the West Bank becoming part of Jordan again.





I'd test how bad the Big C had hit and start a new oil crisis. But I doubt the Saudis and other Arabs will adhere to it. They don't trust each other to do it and everyone believes the rest to be American agents.

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North are you asking for dreams in an ideal world or realistic solutions. See I have a lot of ideals, close or even fruther down the line than Iran's so called wipe off, you can never trust them to adhere to any peace plan, they could not do it during the prophets time, and they certainly not going to do it now when they have the upper hand in power.




There is a poll on the Metro website asking the following question


"Should Gordon Brown unambiguously condemn Israel for the asault on Gaza?"


The yes vote is currently only 21% whilst the no vote is 79%.


Please click here and vote yes and forward to your contacts


Some may ask what good this will achieve but we know what impact PR can have on general public opinion and the Metro will publish results in tomorrow's paper. A significant yes vote can help influence peoples opinions in the right direction i.e. in our case to the "yes" vote.

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^Ibti, that link above is pointing to poll results. Here is the correct link


Back to the topic, as long as arab rulers especially Egypt and Jordan are in the pockets of zionists and their protectors world wide and not even dare to open up the gates to Palestine am afraid there is nothing we can do about it to stop this terror against the unarmed muslims. At least all we can do now is to remember them in our prayers and give donations.

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Better PR. In order to get a fair hearing in the US -- Isreal's life line -- Palestinians have to push through documentaries showing what the life under sliced and diced, humiliated and humbled, aparthied system is like. Enroll 1000 students in the Ivy League schools majoring Journalism, Political science. In 10 years you may have about 20 A-players in the system that can run for higher offices or lend their voices through the media.

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