
Increasing tax on Khat imports having a positive impact. Khat migrants from Mogadishu leaving...

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9 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

It is a Somali social ill from Kenya thru Somalia - Ethiopia, Somaliland and to Djibouti.

In Ethiopia this has become more of a problem with non-Somali. Its a problem everywhere including the Habeshi now.


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Again, the dying breed of hardcore secessionist misleading SOLers. Why didn't you share the whole news clip instead of the few seconds of the so-called 'koonfur' guy?


Better luck next time hiding dadka sida ariga camal cooska u cunaayo meesha jooga, as attested by this clip.




Eebboow, all those dollars being spend those ugly leaves, coos is much nutritious than this. Acuudi bilaahi.

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Do you know that the small energy drinks they sell in gas stations and small shops in America is Khat? An enterprising Somali can do that and sell only to outside countries all east africa.


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This is coming from a man who Literally insulted every person and every region of Somalia and to make up for his short-comings, tries to use Somaliland blanket.


What's there to get? Regurgitation of same points coupled with  silly emoji does not make your 'arguments' anymore no convincing.

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